700.659. 1. The commission shall issue an installer license to anapplicant who:
(1) Files a written application with the commission on a formapproved by the commission;
(2) Is at least eighteen years old;
(3) Is of good moral character;
(4) Presents evidence that he or she has completed a training programapproved by the commission;
(5) Has attained a passing grade upon an examination, approved by thecommission, that is designed to test the skills necessary to properlyperform as an installer and to ascertain the adequacy of the applicant'sknowledge of federal and state laws applicable to manufactured homeinstallation. The commission may establish what constitutes a passinggrade for the examination; and
(6) Pays all fees as required by sections 700.650 to 700.680 and bycommission rule.
2. In addition to fulfilling the requirements of subsection 1 of thissection, an applicant who is not an agent of a dealer or manufacturer shallobtain and show proof of a certificate of insurance for workers'compensation coverage.
3. In addition to fulfilling the requirements of subsection 1 of thissection, an applicant who is an agent of a dealer or manufacturer shallshow proof of general liability insurance in an amount of at least threehundred thousand dollars.
4. An installer license shall be valid for a period of timedetermined by the commission, but not for less than one year, and it may berenewed accordingly.
(L. 2004 S.B. 1096)