700.680. 1. The commission shall investigate all complaints concerningviolations of sections 700.650 to 700.680 to determine if there are groundsfor disciplining a holder of an installer license or limited-use installerlicense or for refusing to issue either form of license to an applicant.
2. The commission may issue subpoenas duces tecum in order to cause anyinstaller licensee, holder of a limited use installer license, or other personto produce records or appear as a witness in connection with an investigationor proceeding pursuant to this section.
3. In lieu of or in addition to any remedy provided in this section, thecommission may file a petition in the name of the state asking a court toissue a restraining order or a writ of mandamus against any person who is orwho had been violating any of the provisions of sections 700.650 to 700.680 orany rule, order, or subpoena issued by the commission.
(L. 2004 S.B. 1096)