700.683. 1. The commission shall require installers to install homesin accordance with the installation instructions provided by themanufacturer of the manufactured home. The instructions shall have beenapproved by the United States Department of Housing and Urban Developmentor one of its authorized agents pursuant to the National ManufacturedHousing Construction and Safety Standards Act of 1974, as amended.
2. The commission shall adopt uniform, reasonable standards for theproper installation of manufactured homes in this state including, but notlimited to, standards for the foundation, supports, anchoring,underpinning, and joining of the sections of the home. The standards shallprovide for physical engineering needed to appropriately install amanufactured home on a specific site.
3. Each licensed installer shall purchase installation decals fromthe commission for a fee established by the commission. An installationdecal shall be affixed to the manufactured home upon completion of theinstallation. The decal shall note the installer's license number andshall be permanently affixed to the manufactured home at a locationdetermined by the commission.
(L. 2004 S.B. 1096)