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85-20-401. United States National Park Service-Montana compact ratified.

     85-20-401. United States National Park Service-Montana compact ratified. The compact entered into by the state of Montana and the United States National Park Service and filed with the secretary of state of the state of Montana under the provisions of 85-2-702 on May 12, 1993, is ratified. The compact is as follows:


     This Compact is entered into by the State of Montana and the United States of America to settle for all time any and all claims to water for certain lands administered by the National Park Service within the State of Montana at the time of the effective date of this Compact.
     A Compact between the State of Montana and the United States of America regarding water rights for National Park Service lands was executed January 31, 1994. The parties were unable to finalize agreement on quantification of the water rights for Bighorn Canyon National Recreation Area and the Little Bighorn Battlefield National Monument prior to the completion of the Compact executed January 31, 1994. This Compact is the final agreement regarding the water rights attributable to these two NPS Units.


     WHEREAS, in 1979 the United States filed in the United States District Court for the District of Montana several actions to adjudicate, inter alia, its rights to water with respect to Glacier National Park, see United States v. Aageson, No. CV-79-21-GF; United States v. Abell, No. CV-79-33-M; and United States v. AMS Ranch, Inc., No. CV-79-22-GF.
     WHEREAS, the State of Montana, in 1979 pursuant to Title 85, Chapter 2 of the Montana Code Annotated, commenced a general adjudication of the rights to the use of water within the State of Montana including all federal reserved and appropriative water rights;
     WHEREAS, 85-2-703, MCA, provides that the state may negotiate settlement of claims by the federal government to non-Indian reserved waters within the State of Montana;
     WHEREAS, the United States wishes to quantify and have decreed the amount of water necessary to fulfill the purposes of the existing National Park Service units in the State of Montana, including those reserved water rights necessary to preserve Glacier National Park and Yellowstone National Park unimpaired for future generations;
     WHEREAS, the United States, in quantifying its reserved water rights recognizes the need to accommodate the interests of the state and its citizens by providing for the development and use of water in the vicinity of the Park units to the extent that it is possible to do so without materially affecting the rights and interests of the United States;
     WHEREAS, the United States Attorney General, or a duly designated official of the United States Department of Justice, has authority to execute this Compact on behalf of the United States pursuant to the authority to settle litigation contained in 28 U.S.C. §§ 516-17 (1968);
     WHEREAS The Secretary of the Interior, or a duly designated official of the United States Department of the Interior, has authority to execute this Compact on behalf of the United States Department of Interior pursuant to 43 U.S.C. § 1457 (1986, Supp. 1992);
     NOW THEREFORE, the State of Montana and the United States agree as follows:


     For purposes of this Compact only, the following definitions shall apply:
     (1) "Abstract" means the copy of the document entitled "Abstract of National Park Service Water Rights" referenced in this Compact as Appendix 1 [and] the copy of the document entitled "Abstract of National Park Service Water Rights - BCNRA and LBBNM" referenced in this Compact as Appendix 2.
     (2) "Big Hole National Battlefield" or "BHNB" means those lands located in Montana that were acquired pursuant to, or withdrawn and reserved by Executive Order No. 1216 of June 23, 1910; Presidential Proclamation No. 2339 of June 29, 1939, 53 Stat. 2544; and Act of May 17, 1963, 77 Stat. 18.
     (3) "Bighorn Canyon National Recreation Area" or "BCNRA" means those lands located in Montana that were acquired pursuant to, or designated as such by Act of October 15, 1966, 80 Stat. 913.
     (4) "Bureau" means the Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology or its successor.
     (5) "Category 1 stream" means a stream that headwaters on the reserved land administered by the National Park Service.
     (6) "Category 1a stream" means a stream that headwaters on the reserved land administered by the National Park Service and which, in part, carries water that drains non-federal land within the boundaries of the same reserved land.
     (7) "Category 2 stream" means a stream that headwaters in a Wilderness Area in Montana outside the respective Park unit which flows into the reserved land administered by the National Park Service, and which is not the source for a consumptive use water right recognized under state law on the effective date of this Compact and drains a hydrologic basin that contains only federal land.
     (8) "Category 3 stream" means a stream that headwaters in Montana outside the reserved land administered by the National Park Service that flows into the reserved land and is the source for consumptive use water rights recognized under state law on the effective date of this Compact.
     (9) "Category 4 stream" means a stream that is treated individually due to special circumstances.
     (10) "Consumptive use" means use of surface water not considered a non-consumptive use under (26) and use of groundwater which is shown to be hydrologically connected to surface water pursuant to Article II.
     (a) "Current consumptive use", when referring to water rights recognized under state law only, means all consumptive use water rights recognized under state law with a priority date before January 1, 1993 [, with respect to BHNB, GNP, or YNP and] on or before the effective date of the compact [with respect to BCNRA and LBBNM].
     (b) "Future consumptive use", when referring to a water right recognized under state law only, means a consumptive use water right recognized under state law with a priority date on or after January 1, 1993 [, with respect to BHNB, GNP, or YNP and] after the effective date of the compact [with respect to BCNRA and LBBNM].
     (11) "Credible information" means credible evidence sufficient to support a prima facie basis for the theory asserted.
     (12) "Crow Tribal Water Rights" means those senior reserved water rights and any aboriginal water rights held by the United States in trust for the Crow Tribe which are being quantified as part of the general adjudication of water rights in Montana.
     (13) "Curtailment" means action pursuant to this Compact to reduce or shut-off diversions by a junior water user to satisfy the senior instream flow right of the National Park Service.
     (14) "Department" means the Montana Department of Natural Resources and Conservation or its successor.
     (15) "Effective date of this Compact" means the date of the ratification of the Compact by the Montana legislature, written approval by the United States Department of the Interior, or written approval by the United States Department of Justice, whichever is later.
     (16) "Glacier National Park" or "GNP" means those lands located in Montana that were acquired pursuant to, or withdrawn and reserved by the Act of May 11, 1910, 36 Stat. 354; Act of February 27, 1915, 38 Stat. 814; and Act of April 11, 1972, 86 Stat. 120.
     (17) "Grant Kohrs Ranch National Historic Site" means those lands acquired by the United States and designated as such pursuant to Public Law 92-406, August 25, 1972.
     (18) "Groundwater" means water that is beneath the ground surface.
     (19) (a) "Hydrologically connected" for the purposes of Articles II and III, means groundwater that is connected to surface water such that appropriation at the proposed rate will cause a calculable reduction in surface water flow. A "calculable reduction in surface water flow" means a theoretical reduction based on credible information as opposed to a measured reduction.
     (b) "Hydrologically connected" for the purposes of Article IV, means groundwater that is considered to be connected to the hydrothermal system within the reserved land of Yellowstone National Park based on scientific evidence according to the procedures in Article IV.
     (20) "Hydrothermal system" means the groundwater system, including cold water recharge, transmission and warm water discharge that is hydrologically connected to the hydrothermal features within the reserved land of Yellowstone National Park.
     (21) "Hydrothermal discharge water" means groundwater with a temperature in excess of 59 degrees Fahrenheit that is hydrologically connected to the hydrothermal system within the reserved land of Yellowstone National Park.
     (22) "Hydrothermal feature" means a surface manifestation of a hydrothermal system, including but not limited to: hot springs, geysers, mud pots, and fumaroles.
     (23) "Instream flow" means the water that the parties agree shall remain in the stream in satisfaction of the United States' reserved water right for the purposes of the reserved land.
     (24) "Little Bighorn Battlefield National Monument" or "LBBNM" means those lands located in Montana that were acquired pursuant to or withdrawn and reserved by Presidential Proclamation of December 7, 1886, and by Act of March 22, 1946, 60 Stat. 59.
     (25) "Nez Perce National Historical Park" means those lands in Montana acquired and added to the Nez Perce National Historical Park by Congress on October 30, 1992, pursuant to Public Law 102-576.
     (26) (a) "Non-consumptive use" when applied to a mining or hydropower use for which a water right is recognized under state law with a priority date on or after January 1, 1993, [with respect to BHNB, GNP, or YNP and] after the effective date of this compact [with respect to BCNRA and LBBNM], means an appropriation that does not cause a net loss in the surface source of supply, and where substantially all of the diverted water becomes return flow with little or no delay between the time of diversion and the time of return, and without adverse effect on the quantity or quality of water necessary to fulfill the purposes of the reserved land.
     (b) "Non-consumptive use" when applied to a water right recognized under state law other than a mining or hydropower use with a priority date on or after January 1, 1993, [with respect to BHNB, GNP, or YNP and] after the effective date of this compact [with respect to BCNRA and LBBNM], or a water right recognized under state law with a priority date before January 1, 1993, [with respect to BHNB, GNP, or YNP and] on or before the effective date of this compact [with respect to BCNRA and LBBNM], means a water right considered to be non-consumptive by the decree, permit or law authorizing the use.
     (27) "Parkman Sandstone" means the unit as defined in Moulder, E.A., Klug, M.F., Morris, D.A., and Swenson, F.A. (1960) "Geology and Ground-Water Resources of the Lower Little Bighorn River Valley Big Horn County, Montana," USGS Water Supply Paper 1487, where it occurs along the Little Bighorn River and its tributaries between the Montana-Wyoming line and the Little Bighorn Battlefield National Monument.
     (28) "Parties" means the State of Montana and the United States.
     (29) "Person" means an individual, association, partnership, corporation, state agency, political subdivision, or any other entity, but does not include the United States.
     (30) "Quaternary Alluvium" means the unit as defined in Moulder, E.A., Klug, M.F., Morris, D.A., and Swenson, F.A. (1960) "Geology and Ground-Water Resources of the Lower Little Bighorn River Valley Big Horn County, Montana," USGS Water Supply Paper 1487, where it occurs along the Little Bighorn River and its tributaries between the Montana-Wyoming line and the Little Bighorn Battlefield National Monument.
     (31) "Quaternary Terrace Deposits" means the unit as defined in Moulder, E.A., Klug, M.F., Morris, D.A., and Swenson, F.A. (1960) "Geology and Ground-Water Resources of the Lower Little Bighorn River Valley Big Horn County, Montana," USGS Water Supply Paper 1487, where it occurs along the Little Bighorn River and its tributaries between the Montana-Wyoming line and the Little Bighorn Battlefield National Monument.
     (32) "Recognized under state law" when referring to a water right or use means a water right or use protected by state law, but does not include state recognition of a federal or tribal reserved water right.
     (33) "Return flow" means the portion of water diverted from a source that is returned to the same source, at or near the point of diversion.
     (34) "Scientific evidence" means geologic, geophysical, geochemical and hydrologic information.
     (35) "State" means the State of Montana and all officers, agents, departments, and political subdivisions thereof. Unless otherwise indicated, for purposes of notification or consent, "state" means the Director of the Montana Department of Natural Resources and Conservation or his or her designee.
     (36) "Technical Oversight Committee" or "TOC" means the scientific committee established by Article IV of this Compact.
     (37) "Tributary to" means surface water that originates in the same hydrologic basin or subbasin as the stream referred to and which contributes water to the same stream.
     (38) "Unincorporated municipality" includes but is not limited to a rural special improvement district or any other entity that serves community water needs.
     (39) "United States" means the federal government and all officers, agencies, departments and political subdivisions thereof. Unless otherwise indicated, for purposes of notification or consent other than service in litigation, "United States" means the Secretary of the Department of the Interior, or his or her designees.
     (40) "Working Group Report" means the Abridged and Unabridged reports by Custer, S., et. al. dated January 5, 1993, and titled Recommended Boundary for Controlled Groundwater Area in Montana Near Yellowstone National Park and accompanying maps.
     (41) "Yellowstone National Park" or "YNP" means those lands located in Montana that were acquired pursuant to, or withdrawn and reserved for Yellowstone National Park by the Act of March 1, 1872, 17 Stat. 32; Act of May 26, 1926, 44 Stat. 655; Act of March 1, 1929, 45 Stat. 1435; Act of April 19, 1930, 46 Stat. 220; and Proclamation No. 2013 of October 20, 1932, 47 Stat. 2537.


     A. Abstract:
     Concurrent with this Compact, the parties have prepared an Abstract, a copy of which is referenced as Appendix 1, which is a specific listing of all of the United States' water rights [for Big Hole National Battlefield, Glacier National Park, and Yellowstone National Park, and] prepared an Abstract, a copy of which is referenced as Appendix 2, which is a specific listing of all of the United States' water rights for Bighorn Canyon National Recreation Area and the Little Bighorn Battlefield National Monument that are described in this Compact and quantified in accordance with this Compact. The parties prepared the Abstract to comply with the requirements for a final decree as set forth in 85-2-234(4) and (7), MCA, and in an effort to assist the state courts in the process of entering decrees accurately and comprehensively reflecting the rights described in this Compact. The rights specified in the Abstract are subject to the terms of this Compact. In the event of a discrepancy between a right listed in the Abstract and that same right as quantified in accordance with Articles II and III of this Compact, the parties intend that the quantification in accordance with Articles II and III of this Compact shall be reflected in a final decree.
     B. Method of Allocation of Water on Category 3 and 4 Streams and of Determining Rights Subject to Curtailment on the Little Bighorn River and its Tributaries:
     This section explains the method of quantification of the reserved instream flow water rights of the United States for Category 3 and 4 streams and the method of calculating the quantity of consumptive use pursuant to state law within a basin to which the United States agrees to subordinate its reserved instream flow water right. The method set forth in this section shall be used to determine whether the limits on consumptive use pursuant to state law set forth in Article III have been reached and whether a water right on the Little Bighorn River and its tributaries upstream from the LBBNM shall be subject to curtailment to satisfy the reserved instream flow water right for LBBNM. Addition to the Abstract of a reserved instream flow water right on a stream inadvertently omitted by the parties or reclassification of a stream due to a water right recognized under state law and inadvertently omitted by the parties shall be consistent with this section and shall not be deemed a modification of this Compact.
     1. Allocation to Instream Flow:
     With the exception of the reserved instream flow rights for LBBNM, the allocation of water to instream flow on Category 3 and 4 streams is arrived at using the following method as explained in general terms:
     a. The United States' reserved water right for instream flow includes the entire flow of that stream within the State of Montana at the point where the stream flows over or forms the boundary of the specified reserved land after: (1) all consumptive use water rights of any agency of the United States recognized under federal or state law are satisfied; and (2) subordination of the reserved water right for instream flow to water rights recognized under state law as set forth in and limited by Article III and more specifically in the Abstract.
     b. Actual use of water in Wyoming or Canada shall not diminish the quantity of water designated for consumptive use pursuant to state law as set forth in Article III.
     2. Method of Calculation of Consumptive Use Rights Recognized Under State Law:
     To determine whether water is available for appropriation for consumptive use pursuant to state law on Category 3 and 4 streams, and for determining whether the limit on subordination of the United States' water rights to consumptive uses has been reached, the following provisions shall apply:
     a. Tributary Water: The calculation of total consumptive use on a Category 3 or 4 stream shall include all current and future consumptive use, recognized under state law, of surface water tributary to the stream to the point it enters the reserved land. The limits on total consumptive use on a Category 4 stream that forms the boundary of the reserved land shall include all current and future consumptive use recognized under state law, of surface water tributary to the stream to the most downstream point that the stream forms the boundary of the reserved land.
     b. Groundwater: [The following sections i., ii., and iii. shall apply to BHNB, GNP, and YNP.] The following sections iii. and iv. shall apply to BCNRA. The following sections iii. and v. shall apply to LBBNM.
     i. An exemption from state permit requirements for wells or developed springs shall not apply to appropriations within a basin tributary to the reserved portion of a Category 3 or 4 stream after the effective date of this Compact, provided that the registration process set forth in Article II, section B.2.b.ii.(3)(b) shall apply to applications for a permit for a well of 35 gpm or less, not to exceed 10 acre-feet per year. In addition, all groundwater appropriations within the Yellowstone Controlled Groundwater Area shall be subject to Article IV.
     ii. The calculation of total consumptive use on a Category 3 or 4 stream shall include appropriations of groundwater as follows:
     (1) Pre-January 1, 1993: An appropriation of groundwater with a priority date before January 1, 1993, shall not be included in the calculation of total consumptive use.
     (2) January 1, 1993 - Effective Date: An appropriation of groundwater with a priority date on or after January 1, 1993, but before the effective date of this Compact shall be included in the calculation of total consumptive use if the following procedural requirements are met and the appropriation is found to be hydrologically connected to surface water tributary to the reserved portion of a Category 3 or 4 stream.
     (a) Within 120 days after the effective date of this Compact, the Department shall provide the United States with notice of all groundwater appropriations in drainages tributary to the reserved portion of a Category 3 or 4 stream that, according to the records of the Department, have a priority date on or after January 1, 1993 and before the effective date of this Compact.
     (b) Up to 120 days following mailing of such notice the United States shall provide the Department with credible information that a groundwater appropriation included in the notice is hydrologically connected to surface flow tributary to the reserved portion of a Category 3 or 4 stream.
     (c) Within 60 days of receipt of such information, the Department shall issue an order stating that (1) the appropriation is hydrologically connected to surface water tributary to the Category 3 or 4 stream; and (2) the action to be taken with respect to the appropriation. The order is effective within 60 days of issuance unless the appropriator enters an appearance to contest the order. If credible information of hydrologic connection has not been provided by the United States, the Department shall issue an order stating its determination and reasons therefore.
     (d) If the appropriator enters an appearance to contest the order, the Department shall (1) issue an order staying use of the appropriation pending a final decision on the matter by the Department only if the limits on total consumptive use for that drainage have been reached; (2) set a date for a hearing; and (3) proceed pursuant to the provisions for a contested case under the Montana Administrative Procedures Act, Title 2, Chapter 4, of the Montana Code Annotated, provided that the burden of proving hydrologic connection shall be as set forth in Article II, section B.2.b.[ii.](3). The Department shall, whenever possible, consolidate any proceedings on the groundwater application pursuant to Article IV with any proceeding made necessary by this Article.
     (3) Post-Effective Date: An appropriation of groundwater recognized under state law with a priority date after the effective date of this Compact shall be included in the calculation of total consumptive use if the following conditions apply:
     (a) Wells in excess of 35 gallons per minute or 10 acre-feet per year: The limit on total consumptive use shall include groundwater appropriation by a well or developed spring with a permit amount in excess of 35 gpm or any well with a volume of use greater than 10 acre-feet per year, including a combined appropriation from the same source from two or more wells or developed springs that exceeds these limitations, unless the applicant is able to show by a preponderance of the evidence that the appropriation is not hydrologically connected to surface flow tributary to the reserved portion of a Category 3 or 4 stream.
     (i) The applicant shall submit credible information, including a report to the Department prepared by a professional qualified in the science of groundwater hydrology verifying that the appropriation is not hydrologically connected to surface flow tributary to the reserved portion of a Category 3 or 4 stream. If the applicant fails to submit the report, the application shall be considered defective and shall be returned to the applicant for completion as provided by state law.
     (ii) The Department shall provide notice of the proposed appropriation and a copy of the report to the United States concurrent with notice pursuant [to] 85-2-307, MCA.
     (iii) Within 60 days of the mailing of notice, the United States shall file an objection to the proposed appropriation on the basis that it is hydrologically connected to surface water.
     (iv) The Department shall not exclude the appropriation from the limits on total consumptive use unless the applicant proves by a preponderance of the evidence that the proposed appropriation is not hydrologically connected to surface flows tributary to the reserved portion of the Category 3 or 4 stream. In doing so the Department shall make a specific finding on the adequacy of the report provided by the applicant.
     (v) If the proposed appropriation is determined not to be hydrologically connected to surface water, or if the limit on consumptive use has not been reached, the Department may issue a permit in accordance with state law and the applicant may complete the appropriation.
     (b) Wells of 35 gallons per minute or less and 10 acre-feet per year or less:
     (i) An applicant for an appropriation of groundwater of 35 gpm or less, not to exceed 10 acre-feet per year shall register for a permit by filing a form prescribed by the department.
     (ii) The Department shall provide notice of the registration for a permit to the United States within 30 days of the filing. Within 30 days of the receipt of notice, the United States may file an objection to the application on the basis that the proposed appropriation is of groundwater that is hydrologically connected to surface flow tributary to the reserved portion of a Category 3 or 4 stream.
     (iii) As long as the limit on consumptive use rights for a Category 3 or 4 stream has not been reached, the calculation of total consumptive use shall not include groundwater appropriations by well or a developed spring of 35 gallons per minute or less that do not exceed 10 acre feet per year unless the United States shows by a preponderance of the evidence that the proposed appropriation is hydrologically connected to the reserved portion of a Category 3 or 4 stream. If the United States meets this burden, the Department shall include the appropriation in the calculation of total consumptive use.
     (iv) After the limit on consumptive use rights has been reached on a particular stream, the necessary showing by the United States' shall be to file an objection and come forward with credible information showing that the proposed appropriation is hydrologically connected to surface flows tributary to the reserved portion of the Category 3 or 4 stream. If the United States makes such a showing, the Department shall consider the application under the criteria in Article II, section B.2.b.[ii.](3)(b)(v) and (vi).
     (v) The Department shall not exclude the appropriation from the limits on total consumptive use unless the applicant proves by a preponderance of the evidence that the proposed appropriation is not hydrologically connected to surface flows tributary to the reserved portion of the Category 3 or 4 stream.
     (vi) If the proposed appropriation is determined not to be hydrologically connected to surface water the Department may issue a permit in accordance with state law and the applicant may complete the appropriation.
     iii. Within 2 years after the effective date of this Compact, the Department, in consultation with the United States, is directed to promulgate rules as may be necessary to implement Article II, section B.2.b. Said rules shall not alter the rights or obligations of the parties hereto.
     iv. The calculation of total future consumptive use on Category 3 or 4 streams at BCNRA shall include appropriations of groundwater as follows:
     (1) The calculation of total future consumptive use shall not include appropriation of groundwater by means of a well or developed spring with an appropriation of 35 gallons per minute (gpm) or less that does not exceed 10 acre feet per year (afy).
     (2) The limit on total consumptive use shall not include an appropriation of groundwater by means of a well or developed spring with a permit amount in excess of 35 gpm or with a volume of use greater than 10 afy, including a combined appropriation from the same source from two or more wells or developed springs that exceeds these limitations, unless the United States shows by a preponderance of the evidence that the proposed appropriation is hydrologically connected to surface water tributary to the reserved portion of a Category 3 or 4 stream. If the United States meets this burden, the Department shall include the appropriation in the calculation of total consumptive use.
     (a) The Department shall provide notice of the proposed appropriation to the United States concurrent with notice pursuant to 85-2-307, MCA.
     (b) Within 60 days of the mailing of notice, the United States may file an objection to the proposed appropriation on the basis that it is hydrologically connected to surface water.
     (c) If the proposed appropriation is determined not to be hydrologically connected to surface water, or if the limit on consumptive use has not been reached, the Department may issue a permit in accordance with state law and the applicant may complete the appropriation.
     v. Determination of whether an appropriation of groundwater after the effective date of the this Compact shall be subject to a curtailment to satisfy the instream flow water right at LBBNM shall be made as follows:
     (1) Groundwater appropriations subject to curtailment shall not include an appropriation of groundwater for stock or domestic purposes by means of a well or developed spring with an appropriation of 35 gpm or less that does not exceed 10 afy.
     (2) Groundwater appropriations subject to curtailment to satisfy the 51 cfs instream flow water rights for LBBNM shall not include an appropriation of groundwater by means of a well or developed spring with a permit amount in excess of 35 gpm or with a volume of use greater than 10 afy, including a combined appropriation from the same source from two or more wells or developed springs that exceeds these limitations, unless the United States shows by a preponderance of the evidence that the proposed appropriation is hydrologically connected to the Little Bighorn River or its tributaries upstream from LBBNM.
     (a) The Department shall provide notice of the proposed appropriation to the United States concurrent with notice pursuant to 85-2-307, MCA.
     (b) Within 60 days of the mailing of notice, the United States may file an objection to the proposed appropriation on the basis that it is hydrologically connected to surface water.
     (c) If the proposed appropriation is determined not to be hydrologically connected to surface water the Department may issue a permit in accordance with state law and the applicant may complete the appropriation.
     (d) If the proposed appropriation is determined to be hydrologically connected to surface water the Department may issue the permit in accordance with state law with notice that the appropriation is subject to curtailment to satisfy the instream flow water right of the LBBNM and the applicant may complete the appropriation.
     (3) Groundwater appropriations subject to curtailment to satisfy the 950 cfs instream flow water rights for LBBNM shall not include an appropriation of groundwater by means of a well or developed spring with a permit amount in excess of 35 gpm or with a volume of use greater than 10 afy, including a combined appropriation from the same source from two or more wells or developed springs that exceeds these limitations, unless the United States shows by a preponderance of the evidence that the proposed appropriation is hydrologically connected to the Little Bighorn River or its tributaries upstream from LBBNM and the appropriation is completed in the Quaternary Alluvium, Quaternary Terrace Deposits, or the Parkman Sandstone.
     (a) The Department shall provide notice of the proposed appropriation to the United States concurrent with notice pursuant to 85-2-307, MCA.
     (b) Within 60 days of the mailing of notice, the United States may file an objection to the proposed appropriation on the basis that it is hydrologically connected to surface water and the proposed appropriation is to be completed in the Quaternary Alluvium, Quaternary Terrace Deposits, or the Parkman Sandstone.
     (c) If the proposed appropriation is determined not to be hydrologically connected to surface water or not to be completed in the Quaternary Alluvium, Quaternary Terrace Deposits, or the Parkman Sandstone the Department may issue a permit in accordance with state law and the applicant may complete the appropriation.
     (d) If the proposed appropriation is determined to be hydrologically connected to surface water and to be completed in the Quaternary Alluvium, Quaternary Terrace Deposits, or the Parkman Sandstone the Department may issue the permit in accordance with state law with notice that the appropriation is subject to curtailment to satisfy the instream flow water right of the LBBNM and the applicant may complete the appropriation.
     c. Effect of Decree in Calculation of Consumptive Use: Except as provided in Article II, section G., for the purposes of this Compact, the flow rate of a consumptive use shall be as finally decreed in a general adjudication, or recognized under state law until such final decree. At each stage in an adjudication, the allocation to current use as set forth in Article III and more specifically in the Abstract shall be adjusted to reflect the decreed amount.
     d. Abandonment: When a consumptive use right recognized under state law on a Category 3 or 4 stream is abandoned and such abandonment causes water to become available for appropriation within the limits of the total amounts of water allocated to consumptive use rights recognized under state law established for that stream by Article III, the increment of water below that limit is available for new appropriation in accordance with state law and this Compact. State law governs the issue of whether an abandonment has occurred.
     e. Non-Consumptive Use: The limit on total consumptive use rights recognized under state law shall not include non-consumptive uses as defined by this Compact.
     C. Subordination of Instream Flow Right:
     1. The United States agrees to subordinate its reserved water right for instream flow to consumptive uses calculated according to this Article in a manner that is specific to each stream on which a reserved water right is described. This subordination is set forth for each stream in Article III. Curtailment of uses to which the reserved water rights described in this Compact have not been subordinated during periods of low flow shall proceed on the basis of priority and may be initiated in a state or federal court of competent jurisdiction pursuant to Article II, sections I and K.
     2. The reserved water rights described in this Compact shall not be subordinate to water rights which were forfeited by 85-2-212 [or] 85-2-226 as interpreted in In the Matter of the Adjudication of the Water Rights within the Yellowstone River, 253 Mont. 167, 832 P.2d 1210 (1992), nor shall any claimant of such forfeited water right have standing, based solely on such claimed right, to object to this Compact or any reserved water right described in this Compact, provided that water allocated to future consumptive use pursuant to Article III[B.] of this Compact may be used to satisfy claims filed pursuant to 85-2-221(3), MCA in order of priority.
     D. Location of Instream Flow Rights: The United States' reserved water rights for instream flow apply to the portion of the Categories 1 through 4 streams specified in this Compact that flow over or form the boundary to reserved land administered by the National Park Service.
     E. Change in Instream Flow Right: Except as provided in Article II, section J.2.b., the water rights dedicated to instream flow by this Compact shall not be changed to any other use.
     F. Prohibition on Future Impoundments: With the exception of the North Fork of the Big Hole River and its tributaries, no new impoundments may be permitted on the mainstem of a Category 2, 3, or 4 stream upstream of, or along, the portion of the stream for which a water right for instream flow is described in this Compact [and] no new impoundments may be permitted on the mainstem of the Little Bighorn River in Montana upstream of the LBBNM after the effective date of this Compact. This prohibition shall include impoundments that are exempt from permit requirements under state law. Reclamation, repair or rehabilitation of an existing impoundment shall not be considered a new impoundment, provided that without the consent of the United States, reclamation, repair or rehabilitation shall not cause the impoundment to exceed the original constructed capacity of the impoundment. This prohibition shall not apply to impoundments constructed to store a Tribal water right or to implement settlement of litigation regarding quantification of a Tribal water right. On Category 3 and 4 streams for which an instream flow right is described for periods of low flow as set forth in Article III, sections G.3.c. and d., such water right has not been subordinated to a new water right with the method of diversion as an impoundment on the mainstem of the stream with a priority date on or after January 1, 1993, but before the effective date of this Compact.
     G. Management to Maximize Use by Montana Water Users of the Water Allocated to Consumptive Use Rights Recognized Under State Law: If any type of conservation or water distribution plan which includes measurement of actual water use, including use pursuant to rights recognized under state law with a priority date before January 1, 1993, [with respect to BHNB, GNP, and YNP and] before the effective date of this compact [with respect to BCNRA and LBBNM], is adopted pursuant to state law, the limits established for consumptive use appropriated pursuant to state law shall apply to actual measured use, not permitted and decreed or claimed rights, provided that records of actual use be made available to the United States on request and provided further that, such plan shall not diminish the reserved water right of the United States as described in this Compact.
     H. Basin Closure
     1. Except as provided in Article II, section B.2.d., in the following drainage basins upstream of the portion of the stream for which a reserved water right for instream flow is described in this Compact, the Department shall not process or grant an application or registration for a permit to appropriate or to reserve water for future consumptive use as defined by this Compact once the limits on consumptive use tabulated in Article III and set forth more specifically in the Abstract are reached:
     Big Hole National Battlefield:
     North Fork of the Big Hole River
     Big Horn Canyon National Recreation Area:
     Dry Head, Deadman, Davis and Layout Creeks
     Glacier National Park:
     North Fork of the Flathead River
     Middle Fork of the Flathead River
     Yellowstone National Park:
     Bacon Rind, Buffalo, Cottonwood, Coyote, Hellroaring, Little Cottonwood, Snowslide, Crevice, Dry Canyon, Slough, Tepee, and Soda Butte Creeks, and the Gallatin, Madison, and Yellowstone Rivers
     2. If a temporary or permanent basin closure is enacted under state law for a drainage basin or subbasin for which future consumptive water use is limited under this Compact, the most restrictive measures applicable to consumptive use of surface or groundwater shall control.
     I. Enforcement of Water Right
     1. The United States, the state, or the holder of a water right recognized under state law, may petition a state or federal court of competent jurisdiction for relief when a controversy arises between the United States' reserved water right described by this Compact, and a holder of a water right recognized under state law. Resolution of the controversy shall be governed by the terms of this Compact where applicable, or to the extent not applicable, by applicable state or federal law.
     2. The United States agrees that a water commissioner appointed by a state or federal court of competent jurisdiction, or other official authorized by future changes in law, may enter a federal reservation for which a water right is described in this Compact for the purpose of data collection, including the collection of information necessary for water distribution on or off the federal reservation, and to inspect structures for the diversion and measurement of water described in this Compact for consumptive use and for the measurement of instream flow. The terms of entry shall be as specified in an order of a state or federal court of competent jurisdiction.
     3. The Department or the Bureau may enter a federal enclave for which a reserved water right is described in this Compact, at a reasonable hour of the day, for the purposes of data collection on water diversion and stream flow or inspection of devices maintained by the United States pursuant to this Compact. The Department or Bureau shall notify the United States by certified mail or in person, at least 24 hours prior to entry.
     4. The United States may request an investigation by the Department of a diversion located upstream of the reserved portion of a stream for which a reserved water right is described in this Compact. The Department may investigate. If an investigation occurs, the United States may accompany the Department.
     5. The United States shall maintain structures, including wellhead equipment and casing, for the diversion and measurement of water authorized for consumptive use by this Compact. The United States shall maintain the devices it deems necessary for enforcement of its reserved water right for instream flow described in this Compact. The United States shall install and maintain a rated gauge to measure instream flows in the Little Bighorn River. The gauge on the Little Bighorn River shall be on the reach of the river which forms the boundary of the LBBNM, the exact location of which shall be at the discretion of the NPS. The NPS shall resurvey the channel cross section as necessary to maintain gauge accuracy, but in any event not less frequently than every three (3) years. The United States may not seek curtailment of junior water uses unless the channel has been resurveyed within three (3) years of the date on which curtailment is sought.
     6. A person who violates or refuses or neglects to comply with the provisions of this Compact, an order of the Department pursuant to this Compact, or an action by the Bureau pursuant to this Compact is subject to the penalties provided by state law, including but not limited to, revocation of a permit issued pursuant to Article IV after the effective date of this Compact.
     7. For any appeal to state court of an administrative decision authorized by this Compact, venue shall be the First Judicial District in Helena and the review shall be conducted according to the procedures for judicial review of contested cases under the Montana Administrative Procedures Act, Title 2, Chapter 4, of the Montana Code Annotated.
     8. In any contested case proceeding held under the Montana Administrative Procedures Act, Title 2, Chapter 4, of the Montana Code Annotated, pursuant to this Compact, the common law and statutory rules of evidence shall apply only upon stipulation of all parties to a proceeding.
     J. Change in Use
     1. Change in Use Defined: For the purpose of this Article, the following actions affecting the use of a reserved water right for consumptive use described in this Compact shall be considered a change in use:
     a. An action that alters type of use, place of use, point of diversion, place or means of storage, period of use or point of return flow that will:
     i. increase the net depletion on a source; or
     ii. adversely affect water quality at the point the reserved water right ends; or
     iii. result in a change in point of diversion or point of return flow relative to a holder of a water right recognized under state law; or
     iv. change the point of diversion from groundwater to surface water, or from surface to groundwater; or
     v. in any other manner, adversely affects the reasonable exercise of a water right that is recognized under state law.
     b. The exercise of a reserved water right to future consumptive use as authorized by this Compact shall not be considered a change in use.
     2. Instream flow: Reserved water rights specified in this Compact for instream flow shall not be subject to change to any other use, provided that:
     a. the emergency use of water for fire suppression as provided for in Article III.H. shall not be deemed a change or alteration in use, or violation of a reserved water right for instream flow; and
     b. the United States may seek to appropriate water for a consumptive use on a source for which no consumptive use is described in this Compact by seeking a permit under state law for consumptive use, provided that the water right granted shall not be counted against the limits on allocation for state consumptive use water rights imposed by this Compact. The water right so acquired shall be administered in accordance with Article V, section B.
     3. Consumptive uses: The United States may take action affecting the use of its consumptive use water rights provided that (1) the action shall be in fulfillment of the purposes of the reservation; (2) the total use shall not exceed the amount described in this Compact; and (3) the action shall not adversely affect a water right that is recognized under state law.
     4. Notice of intent to change use: At least 180 days prior to a change in use, the United States agrees to provide notice to the Department.
     a. The notice shall contain the facts pertinent to the proposed change including, where applicable:
     i. The location of a new point of diversion.
     ii. The new source of water.
     iii. The new means of diversion.
     iv. If a well is involved, the depth and locations of the old and new well.
     v. The new use and its impact on actual consumption and water quality.
     vi. If the change includes storage, the location, period and capacity of the storage facility.
     vii. An estimate of when the change will be effective.
     viii. A map showing the existing system and the proposed change.
     b. At least 120 days prior to the proposed change, the United States agrees to publish the notice required by Article II, section J.4.a. with a statement that within 60 days following publication or service of notice, relief may be sought in a state or federal court of competent jurisdiction, once in a newspaper of general circulation in the area of the source, and to serve the notice by first-class mail on interested and potentially affected persons as identified by the records of the Department, including:
     i. an appropriator of water or applicant for or holder of a permit who, according to the records of the Department, may be affected by the proposed appropriation;
     ii. a purchaser under contract for deed that, according to the records of the Department, may be affected by the proposed appropriation;
     iii. any public agency that has reserved water in the source recognized under state law; and
     iv. a federal agency or Tribe that claims a reserved water right or other water rights in the source.
     c. On request by the United States, the Department shall provide the information contained in its records identifying any person potentially affected by the proposed change. The United States agrees to reimburse the Department for the expense of providing this information.
     d. In the event that future changes in state law establish a method of notice of a proposed change in use to interested and potentially affected persons other than by first-class mail, the United States may alter the method of notification accordingly.
     e. Prior to the actual change, the United States agrees to provide the Department with proof of notice by affidavit.
     5. Objection to proposed change: Within 60 days following the notice pursuant to Article II, section J.4.b., the Department or any other person may bring an action against the proposed change in use in a state or federal court of competent jurisdiction, if a property right, water right, or other interest protected under state law would be adversely affected, or if the proposed change is not in compliance with this Compact.
     6. Notice of Change:
     a. The United States agrees to notify the state and provide a copy of the final order within 60 days of its entry by a state or federal court of competent jurisdiction resolving any objections to the change in use of a federal reserved water right described in this Compact,
     b. The United States agrees to provide the state with notice of completion of the change within 60 days after the completion.
     7. Reporting by the United States: For any action affecting the use of a consumptive right whether or not such action is deemed a change in use, the United States agrees to provide the following information to the Department:
     a. Well log: For a use that includes the drilling of a well or enlargement of an existing wellbore, the United States agrees to provide a well log to the state within 60 days of the completion of the well.
     b. Emergency Use: Within 60 days after the commencement of a temporary emergency use for fire suppression described in Section III.H. of this Compact, the United States agrees to notify the state of the use to which the water was put, the dates of use, and the estimated amount of water used.
     c. Annual Report: Between April 1 and May 1 of each year, the United States agrees to provide the Department with a report on (1) actions during the preceding year affecting the use of a consumptive use right described in this Compact, regardless of whether the action is deemed a change in use pursuant to Article II, section J.1.; (2) the initiation of new uses that were completed during the preceding year; and (3) any data and documents generated or received by the National Park Service during the preceding year on measurement of instream flow on a Category 3 or 4 stream.
     8. Reporting by the State: Between December 1 and December 31 of each year, the Department shall provide the United States with a report of: (1) changes in use during the preceding year, as defined by state law, of water rights upstream of or within the boundaries of reserved land for which a reserved water right is described in this Compact; (2) new permits issued during the preceding year according to the records of the Department; and (3) any data and documents generated by the Department during the preceding year on the measurement of streamflows, diversions and well use on or tributary to Category 3 or 4 streams.
     K. Administration of Little Bighorn Instream Flow
     This section governs the administration of instream flow rights of the United States on the Little Bighorn River described in Article III. section E.3., in relation to junior water rights initiated after the effective date of this Compact to which the United States has not subordinated and which are not a part of the Crow Tribal Water Rights. Nothing in these provisions, or in this Compact, regarding administration affects or in any way impairs any ability or authority of the Crow Tribe to administer, regulate or manage any water rights within the boundaries of the Crow Indian Reservation.
     1. For purposes of administering the instream flow water right of the United States described in Article III. section E.3. the United States shall establish and maintain a discharge gauge at the LBBNM gauge site. The United States shall keep a record of daily flows for the period from March 1 through June 30 of each year in which the United States seeks curtailment of junior water rights.
     2. The United States may seek curtailment to enforce its 950 cfs instream flow water right, described in Article III. section E.3.b., at the LBBNM gauge site any time from May 1 through June 30. The decision to seek curtailment shall be initiated by the NPS and at the NPS's discretion.
     a. A decision to seek curtailment to enforce the 950 cfs instream flow water right shall be based on a determination that the flow at the LBBNM gauge site plus claimed or permitted appropriations by non-subordinated junior water users equals 950 cfs or more.
     b. Once curtailment is sought and confirmed as set forth in Article II. section K.3, it may last for up to 15 consecutive days, or through June 30, whichever occurs first, provided, however, that the 15 days shall be reduced by subtracting the number of days between March 1st and the date of confirmation of curtailment that the flow at the LBBNM gauge site has equalled or exceeded 950 cfs.
     c. Any curtailment based upon the 950 cfs water right shall be limited to direct surface diversions from the Little Bighorn River and its tributaries, and wells completed in the Quaternary Alluvium, Quaternary Terrace Deposits, or the Parkman Sandstone, as described in Article II. section B.2.b.v.(3).
     3. Notice by NPS that it seeks curtailment to enforce the 950 cfs instream flow water right shall be by either written or verbal notice to the appropriate DNRC office. The NPS shall use its best efforts to maintain contact with the DNRC beginning May 1st of each year to provide advance warning of stream flow conditions.
     a. Upon receipt of notice from the NPS that the United States requests curtailment to enforce the 950 cfs instream flow water right, the DNRC shall, within 24 hours, verify actual diversions by non-subordinated junior water users and confirm that the sum of flow at the LBBNM and actual diversions by non-subordinated junior water users equals or exceeds 950 cfs. If the DNRC determines that the actual diversions are insufficient to bring the flow at the LBBNM gauge site to 950 cfs, it shall not proceed with curtailment. If a decision is made not to proceed with curtailment, the DNRC shall notify the NPS the same day. After notification, the NPS may again seek curtailment beginning the following day if conditions of flow and time of year meet the conditions set forth in Article II. section K.2.
     b. If the DNRC proceeds with curtailment to enforce the 950 cfs water right, the DNRC shall, without delay, shut off non-subordinated junior water uses in reverse order of priority to the extent necessary to bring the flow at the LBBNM gauge site to 950 cfs, provided that, DNRC has the discretion to forgo curtailment of a particular water right if it determines that curtailment of that water right to satisfy the 950 cfs instream flow right would be futile.
     c. Should flow at the LBBNM gauge site exceed 950 cfs at any time during curtailment, the DNRC may reopen diversions in order of priority until 950 cfs is reached. Should the flow at the LBBNM gauge site drop below 950 cfs at any time during the curtailment, non-subordinated junior water uses shall remain shut off provided that, if the NPS reasonably determines the flow at the LBBNM gauge site is not likely to come back up to 950 cfs during the remainder of the curtailment period, it may consent to end the curtailment.
     4. Notice by NPS that it seeks curtailment to enforce the 51 cfs instream flow water right described in Article III. section E.3.a., shall be by either written or verbal notice to the appropriate DNRC office. Upon receipt of notice from the NPS that the United States requests a curtailment to enforce the 51 cfs instream flow water right, the DNRC shall, within 24 hours, verify actual diversions by non-subordinated junior water users. If diversions are being made by non-subordinated junior water users, the DNRC shall, without delay, shut off non-subordinated junior water uses in order of priority to the extent necessary to bring the flow at the LBBNM gauge site to 51 cfs, provided that, DNRC has the discretion to forgo curtailment of a particular water right if it determines that curtailment of that water right to satisfy the 51 cfs instream flow right would be futile.
     5. All permits within the Little Bighorn River Basin upstream of the LBBNM gauge site with a priority date after the effective date of this Compact shall be conditioned on the prior right of the NPS for 950 cfs instream flow water right at the LBBNM during May and June, and for the 51 cfs instream flow water right during any portion of the year, and on the authority of DNRC to curtail use to satisfy the instream flow right.
     6. All diversions from the Little Bighorn River or its tributaries above LBBNM with a priority date after the effective date of this Compact, shall have the duty to establish and maintain a controllable headgate and an adequate measuring device and shall also be required to maintain a record of daily water diversions, including noting the number of hours for which diversions are made for each day and the flow rate at which water is diverted.
     7. DNRC and NPS shall work together to develop a quantitative prediction relationship between the flow at the LBBNM gauge site, diversions by non-subordinated junior water users, and the prediction of curtailment requirements.
     8. Either party has the right to petition a court of competent jurisdiction for administration of water rights or for appointment of a water commissioner should cooperative administration not be proceeding as planned or should cooperative administration become burdensome. Any water commissioner shall enforce the curtailment as described in this Compact. Exhaustion of administrative remedies pursuant to this Article is not a prerequisite to any such suit.


     The parties agree that the following water rights are in settlement of the reserved water rights of the United States for the reservations described. The parties to this agreement recognize that the water rights for these NPS Units [BCNRA and LBBNM] are junior to Crow Tribal Water Rights. All reserved water rights described in this Article are subject to Article V, section A.
     A. Big Hole National Battlefield
     1. Priority Date
     The United States has a priority date of June 29, 1939 for the reserved water rights described in this Compact for BHNB.
     2. Consumptive Use
     The United States has a reserved water right for current and future consumptive use for the purposes of the BHNB as set forth in Table 1. The period of use shall be from January 1 through December 31. The source and place of use shall be as set forth more specifically in the Abstract. The place of use or point of diversion of a consumptive use water right at BHNB shall include any non-reserved land within BHNB boundaries as the boundaries exist on the effective date of this Compact.

TABLE 1 United States National Park Service Big Hole National Battlefield Consumptive Use

Place of UseTotalMaximumVolumeFlow Rate(ac-ft)(gpm)Visitor centerMuseumMaintenance areaResidencesPicnic areaIrrigation Tot

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