Whenever any state officer, state employee,or member of any commission, council, committee, or board of the state is seeking reimbursement foractual expenses incurred by him or her in the line of duty, he or she shallbe required to present a request for payment or reimbursement to the Director of AdministrativeServices not later than sixtydays after the final day on which expenses were incurred for which reimbursementis sought. Each request shall be fully itemized, including the amount, date, place, and essential character of theexpense incurred.
When reimbursementis requested for mileage by automobile, air travel by commercial carrier,air travel in airplanes chartered by the department or agency, or air travelby personally rented airplane, the points between which such travel occurred,the times of arrival and departure, and the necessity and purpose of suchtravel shall be stated on such request. Whenreimbursement is requested for mileage by automobile, the motor vehicle license plate number, the total miles traveled, and the rate per milebeing requested shall also be shown on each request.
The AccountingAdministrator may require less supporting detail for requests covered in thissection but shall not impose reporting requirements which exceed those listedunless specifically authorized by other provisions of law. No request shallbe submitted by an individual for an expense when such expense has been paidby the agency or department concerned.
When reimbursementfor expenses incurred in air travel by privately owned airplane is requested,the cost of operating the airplane at rates per mile as established by theDepartment of Administrative Services shall be shown on such request. Travelby privately owned airplane or personally rented airplane shall only be authorizedwhen it is more economical than surface transportation or will result in asubstantial savings of expense or productive time.
The statementof expenses shall be duly verified and supported by receipts for all of suchexpenditures, except immaterial items identified by the director, for which reimbursementis requested.
No chargefor mileage shall be allowed when such mileage accrues while using an automobileowned by the State of Nebraska.
No personalmaintenance expenses shall be allowed to any state officer, state employee, or member of any commission,council, committee, or board of the state when such expenses are incurredin the city or town in which the residence or primary work location of suchindividual is located, except that individuals required to attend officialfunctions, conferences, or hearings within such location, not to include normalday-to-day operations of the department, agency, commission, council, committee,or board, may be paid or reimbursed in accordance with policies establishedby the Director of Administrative Services. The approval to attend a function,conference, or hearing shall be obtained from the director of the department,agency, commission, council, committee, or board prior to an individual'sattendance at such function, conference, or hearing.
Nothing inthis section shall be construed to prohibit the furnishing of coffee, tea,and any similar beverage by the Legislature or the Legislative Council toits employees or guests.