21-186 Certificate of registration; application; contents; display; fee; electronic records; use; license verification fee; Secretary of State; duties.
21-186. Certificate of registration; application;contents; display; fee; electronic records; use; license verification fee;Secretary of State; duties.(1)(a) An application for issuance of a certificate of registrationshall be made by the limited liability company to the regulatory body in writingand shall contain the names of all members, managers, professional employees,and agents of the limited liability company who are required by law to belicensed or otherwise authorized to render the professional service for whichthe limited liability company is organized to do business, the street addressat which the applicant proposes to render a professional service, and suchother information as may be required by the regulatory body. If it appearsto the regulatory body that each member, manager, professional employee, andagent of the applicant required by law to be licensed is licensed or otherwiseauthorized to practice the profession for which the applicant is organizedto do business and that each member, manager, professional employee, or agentrequired by law to be licensed or otherwise authorized to practice the professionfor which the applicant is organized to do business is not otherwise disqualifiedfrom rendering the professional service of the applicant, such regulatorybody shall issue a certificate in duplicate upon a form bearing its date ofissuance and prescribed by such regulatory body certifying that the proposedor existing limited liability company complies with the provisions of theNebraska Uniform Limited Liability Company Act and of the applicable rulesand regulations of the regulatory body. Each applicant for such certificateshall pay the regulatory body a fee of twenty-five dollars for the issuanceof the certificate.(b) One copy of a certificateof registration issued pursuant to this subsection shall be prominently displayedto public view upon the premises of the principal place of business of thelimited liability company, and, except as provided in subsection (2) of thissection, one copy shall be delivered for filing to the Secretary of Statewho shall charge a fee of twenty-five dollars for filing the same. The certificateshall be delivered to the Secretary of State for filing with the certificateof organization. A certificate of registration bearing an issuance date morethan twelve months old shall not be eligible for filing by the Secretary ofState.(2)When licensing records of regulatory bodies are electronically accessibleto the Secretary of State, the Secretary of State shall access the records.The access of the records shall be made in lieu of a certificate of registrationbeing prepared and issued by the regulatory body for delivery to the Secretaryof State for filing. The limited liability company shall deliver to the Secretaryof State for filing an application setting forth the names of all members,managers, professional employees, and agents of such limited liability companywho are required by law to be licensed or otherwise authorized to render theprofessional service for which the limited liability company is organizedto do business as of the last day of the month preceding the date of applicationand shall deliver to the Secretary of State for filing an annual update thereafter.The application shall be completed on a form prescribed by the Secretary ofState and shall contain such other information as the Secretary of State mayrequire. The application shall be accompanied by a license verification feeof fifty dollars.TheSecretary of State shall verify that all members, managers, professional employees,and agents who are required by law to do so are duly licensed or otherwiselegally authorized to render the professional service for which the applicantis organized to do business or ancillary service as those which the limitedliability company renders through electronic accessing of the regulatory body'srecords. If any member, manager, professional employee, or agent who is requiredby law to be licensed or otherwise authorized to render the professional servicefor which the limited liability company is organized to do business is notlicensed or otherwise legally authorized to render the professional servicefor which the limited liability company is organized to do business, the limitedliability company shall be suspended. The suspension shall remain in effectand a biennial report shall not be delivered to the Secretary of State forfiling or filed by the Secretary of State until the limited liability companyattests in writing that all members, managers, professional employees, oragents who are required by law to be licensed or otherwise authorized to renderthe professional service for which the limited liability company is organizedto do business are duly licensed or otherwise legally authorized to renderthe professional service for which the limited liability company is organizedto do business and that information is verified by the Secretary of Stateor all unlicensed or unauthorized members, managers, professional employees,or agents are no longer members, managers, professional employees, or agentsof the limited liability company. SourceLaws 2010, LB888, ยง 86.Operative Date: January 1, 2011