29-4001.01 Terms, defined.
29-4001.01 . Terms,defined.For purposes of the Sex Offender RegistrationAct:(1) Aggravatedoffense means any registrable offense under section 29-4003 which involvesthe penetration of, direct genital touching of, oral to anal contact with,or oral to genital contact with (a) a victim age thirteen years or older withoutthe consent of the victim, (b) a victim under the age of thirteen years, or(c) a victim who the sex offender knew or should have known was mentally orphysically incapable of resisting or appraising the nature of his or her conduct;(2) Blog means a web sitecontained on the Internet that is created, maintained, and updated in a log,journal, diary, or newsletter format by an individual, group of individuals,or corporate entity for the purpose of conveying information or opinions toInternet users who visit their web site;(3) Chat room means a website or server space on the Internet or communication network primarily designatedfor the virtually instantaneous exchange of text or voice transmissions orcomputer file attachments amongst two or more computers or electronic communicationdevice users;(4) Chat room identifiersmeans the username, password, symbol, image, or series of symbols, letters,numbers, or text characters used by a chat room participant to identify himselfor herself in a chat room or to identify the source of any content transmittedfrom a computer or electronic communication device to the web site or serverspace upon which the chat room is dedicated;(5) DNA samplehas the same meaning as in section 29-4103;(6) Domain name means a series of text-basedsymbols, letters, numbers, or text characters used to provide recognizablenames to numerically addressed Internet resources that are registered by theInternet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers;(7) Email means the exchangeof electronic text messages and computer file attachments between computersor other electronic communication devices over a communications network, suchas a local area computer network or the Internet;(8) Email address means thestring of letters, numbers, and symbols used to specify the source or destinationof an email message that is transmitted over a communication network;(9) Habitualliving location means any place that an offender may stay for a period ofmore than three days even though the sex offender maintains a separate permanentaddress or temporary domicile;(10) Instant messaging means a direct, dedicated,and private communication service, accessed with a computer or electroniccommunication device, that enables a user of the service to send and receivevirtually instantaneous text transmissions or computer file attachments toother selected users of the service through the Internet or a computer communicationsnetwork;(11) Instant messaging identifiersmeans the username, password, symbol, image, or series of symbols, letters,numbers, images, or text characters used by an instant messaging user to identifytheir presence to other instant messaging users or the source of any contentsent from their computer or electronic communication device to another instantmessaging user;(12) Minormeans a person under eighteen years of age;(13) Social networking web site means a webpage or collection of web sites contained on the Internet (a) that enablesusers or subscribers to create, display, and maintain a profile or Internetdomain containing biographical data, personal information, photos, or othertypes of media, (b) that can be searched, viewed, or accessed by other usersor visitors to the web site, with or without the creator's permission, consent,invitation, or authorization, and (c) that may permit some form of communication,such as direct comment on the profile page, instant messaging, or email, betweenthe creator of the profile and users who have viewed or accessed the creator'sprofile;(14) StateDNA Data Base means the data base established pursuant to section 29-4104;and(15) Temporary domicile means any place at which the person actuallylives or stays for a period of at least three working days. SourceLaws 2009, LB97, § 24; Laws 2009, LB285, § 3.