31-762.01 District located near solid waste disposal site; improvements or facilities; approval requirements.
31-762.01. District located near solid waste disposal site; improvements or facilities; approval requirements.(1) In addition to any authority granted to a city, village, or county under sections 31-727 to 31-762 to review or approve any actions or proposed actions of a sanitary and improvement district, any sanitary and improvement district which includes real property located within one mile of the boundary of a solid waste disposal site for which a permit application is pending or for which a permit has been issued pursuant to section 13-2036 shall obtain the approval of the governing body of any county, municipality, or agency which has applied for or which is a holder of such permit prior to entering into any contract or agreement for or otherwise providing for building, reconstructing, purchasing, or otherwise acquiring or providing any improvements or facilities pursuant to section 31-727, 31-740, or 31-744, and prior to the acquisition of any property pursuant to section 31-736, 31-737, or 31-738.(2) Approval under this section shall be based upon a determination by the county, municipality, or agency:(a) That the proposed action by the sanitary and improvement district will not hinder, impede, obstruct, interfere with, or unduly burden the county, municipality, or agency in the performance of its duties and responsibilities under the Integrated Solid Waste Management Act;(b) That the proposed action by the sanitary and improvement district is consistent with the preservation of the public health, safety, and welfare under the provisions of such act; and(c) That the proposed action by the sanitary and improvement district will not create financial burdens upon the county, municipality, or agency responsible for a facility in the construction, operation, management, closure, or postclosure care of the facility disproportionate to the benefits from the proposed action to be derived by the owners of the land within the sanitary and improvement district making a reasonable use of their land.(3) For purposes of this section, county, municipality, facility, and agency shall have the definitions provided in the Integrated Solid Waste Management Act. SourceLaws 1994, LB 1207, ยง 13. Cross ReferencesIntegrated Solid Waste Management Act, see section 13-2001.