53-122 Sale of liquor by drink; election; submission; procedure; when not required; prohibited acts; penalties.
53-122. Sale of liquor by drink; election;submission; procedure; when not required; prohibited acts; penalties.(1) The commission may issue licenses for the sale of alcoholic liquor,except beer, by the drink subject to all the terms and conditions of the NebraskaLiquor Control Act in all cities and villages in this state, except in thosecases when it affirmatively appears that the issuance will render null andvoid prior conveyances of land to such city or village for public uses andpurposes by purchase, gift, or devise, under the conditions and in the mannerprovided in this section.(2) If (a) a sufficient petition is signed by the registered votersof any such city or village of such number as equals twenty percent of thevotes cast at the last general election held in such city or village, whichpetition requests that the question of licensing the sale of alcoholic liquor,except beer, by the drink in the city or village be submitted to the registeredvoters of the city or village at a special election to be called for thatpurpose and (b) such petition is presented to the clerk of the city or village,the clerk shall cause to be published one time in a legal newspaper publishedin or of general circulation in the city or village a notice of a specialelection to be held not less than ten days nor more than twenty days afterthe date of such publication. The notice shall state the proposition to besubmitted at such special election.(3) The question of licensing the sale of alcoholic liquor either bythe drink or in the original package, or both by the drink and in the originalpackage, may also be submitted at any general municipal election, except asotherwise provided in section 53-121, in any city or village in this statesubject to the following:(a) Upon the filing with the clerk of the city or village of a petitionsigned by registered voters of the city or village in a number equal to twentypercent of the votes cast at the last general election held in the city orvillage, such proposition or propositions shall be submitted;(b) Each petition shall conform to the requirements of section 32-628;(c) At the top of each sheet shall be stated the proposition or propositionsto be submitted and the date of the general municipal election at which itis proposed to be submitted;(d) No signature on the petition shall be valid unless appended to thepetition within the last ninety days prior to the date of filing the petitionwith the clerk of the city or village; and(e) The petition shall be filed thirty days prior to the day of thegeneral municipal election at which the proposition is to be submitted, andduring such thirty-day period no signature shall be withdrawn and no signatureshall be added.(4) Any person who signs any proposal or petition contemplated underthis section knowing that he or she is not a registered voter in the placewhere such proposal or petition is made, who signs any name other than hisor her own to such proposal or petition, or who aids or abets any other personin doing any of the acts mentioned is guilty of a Class I misdemeanor. Anyperson who bribes or gives or pays any money or thing of value to any persondirectly or indirectly to induce him or her to sign such proposal or petition,who accepts money for signing such proposal or petition, or who aids or abetsany other person in doing any of such acts is guilty of a Class IV felony.(5) Upon the ballot either at the special election or at any generalmunicipal election, the proposition or propositions shall be stated as follows:Shall the sale of alcoholic liquor, except beer, by the drink be licensedin (here insert the name of the city or village)?.... For license to sell by drink..... Against license to sell by drink.Shall the sale of alcoholic liquor, except beer, by the package be licensedin (here insert the name of the city or village)?.... For license to sell by the package..... Against license to sell by the package.The provisions of the Election Act relating to election officers, votingplaces, election apparatus and blanks, preparation and form of ballots, informationto voters, delivery of ballots, calling of elections, conduct of elections,manner of voting, counting of votes, records and certificates of elections,and recounts of votes, so far as applicable, shall apply to voting on theproposition or propositions under the Nebraska Liquor Control Act, and a majorityvote of those voting on the question shall be mandatory upon the commission.(6) If the question is to be submitted at a statewide primary or generalelection, the petitions shall be filed with the clerk of the city or villagenot less than sixty days prior to the election. The provisions for the requirednumber of signers and the form of petition shall be the same as for a specialelection. The clerk of the city or village shall verify the signatures onthe petitions with the voter registration records in the office of the countyclerk or election commissioner. During the ten-day period while the petitionsare being checked, no signatures shall be withdrawn and no signatures shallbe added.If the clerk of the city or village finds the petitions to be valid,he or she shall, not less than fifty days prior to the statewide primary orgeneral election, give notice in writing to the county clerk or election commissionerthat the question is to be submitted at the time of the statewide primaryor general election. The election notices, issuing of the official ballotson election day, issuing of the ballots for early voting, and counting andcanvassing of the ballots shall be conducted by the county clerk or electioncommissioner as provided in the Election Act and the official results certifiedto the clerk of the city or village.(7) An election may not be held in the same city or village under thissection more often than once every twenty-three months. A Class I retail license under subdivision (6)(a)(v) ofsection 53-124 is not subject to this section. SourceLaws 1935, c. 116, § 48, p. 403; C.S.Supp.,1941, § 53-348; R.S.1943, § 53-122; Laws 1963, c. 309, § 1, p. 911; Laws 1963, c. 310, § 2, p. 923; Laws 1969, c. 439, § 1, p. 1469; Laws 1973, LB 556, § 1; Laws 1977, LB 40, § 311; Laws 1984, LB 920, § 43; Laws 1988, LB 1089, § 7; Laws 1989, LB 781, § 5; Laws 1991, LB 344, § 15; Laws 1993, LB 183, § 8; Laws 1994, LB 76, § 570; Laws 1999, LB 267, § 6; Laws 2001, LB 278, § 2; Laws 2004, LB 485, § 8; Laws 2005, LB 98, § 34; Laws 2010, LB861, § 51. Cross ReferencesElection Act, see section 32-101. AnnotationsPercentage of votes required is based on last general municipal election. Allen v. Tobin, 155 Neb. 212, 51 N.W.2d 338 (1952).Funds collected as state license fees are properly distributed for use of all school districts within state and should not be paid over to counties in which liquor licenses are granted. School District of Omaha v. Gass, 131 Neb. 312, 267 N.W. 528 (1936).