54-902 Terms, defined.
54-902. Terms, defined.For purposes of the Livestock Animal WelfareAct:(1) Abandonmeans to leave a livestock animal in one's care, whether as owner or custodian,for any length of time without making effective provision for the livestockanimal's food, water, or other care as is reasonably necessary for the livestockanimal's health;(2) Animal welfare practice means veterinarian practices and animalhusbandry practices common to the livestock animal industry, including transportof livestock animals from one location to another;(3) Bovine means a cow,an ox, or a bison;(4) Cruelly mistreat means to knowingly and intentionally kill orcause physical harm to a livestock animal in a manner that is not consistentwith animal welfare practices;(5) Cruelly neglect means to fail to providea livestock animal in one's care, whether as owner or custodian, with food,water, or other care as is reasonably necessary for the livestock animal'shealth;(6) Equine means a horse, pony, donkey, mule, hinny, or llama;(7) Euthanasiameans the destruction of a livestock animal by commonly accepted veterinarypractices;(8) Law enforcement officer means any member of the Nebraska StatePatrol, any county or deputy sheriff, any member of the police force of anycity or village, or any other public official authorized by a city or villageto enforce state or local laws, rules, regulations, or ordinances. Law enforcementofficer also includes any inspector under the Commercial Dog and Cat OperatorInspection Act to the extent that such inspector may exercise the authorityof a law enforcement officer under section 28-1012 while in the course ofperforming inspection activities under the Commercial Dog and Cat OperatorInspection Act;(9) Livestock animal means any bovine, equine, swine, sheep, goats,domesticated cervine animals, ratite birds, or poultry; and(10) Seriousinjury or illness includes any injury or illness to any livestock animal whichcreates a substantial risk of death or which causes broken bones, prolongedimpairment of health, or prolonged loss or impairment of the function of anybodily organ. SourceLaws 2010, LB865, ยง 2. Cross ReferencesCommercial Dog and Cat Operator Inspection Act, see section 54-625.