60-3,122.02 Gold Star Family plates; fee.
60-3,122.02. Gold Star Family plates; fee.(1) A person may apply to the department for Gold Star Family platesin lieu of regular license plates on an application prescribed and providedby the department for any motor vehicle,trailer, semitrailer, or cabin trailer, except for a motor vehicle or trailerregistered under section 60-3,198. Anapplicant receiving a Gold Star Family plate for a farm truck with a grossweight of over sixteen tons shall affix the appropriate tonnage decal to theplate. The department shall make forms available for such applications throughthe county treasurers or designated county officials. The license plates shallbe issued upon payment of the license fee described in subsection (2) of thissection and furnishing proof satisfactory to the department that the applicantis a surviving spouse, whether remarried or not, or an ancestor, includinga stepparent, a descendant, including a stepchild, a foster parent or a personin loco parentis, or a sibling of a person who died while in good standingon active duty in the military service of the United States.(2)(a) Each application for initial issuance of consecutively numberedGold Star Family plates shall be accompanied by a fee of five dollars.An application for renewal of such plates shall be accompanied by a fee of five dollars. County treasurers or designatedcounty officials collecting fees for renewals pursuant to this subdivisionshall remit them to the State Treasurer. The State Treasurer shall creditfive dollars of the fee for initial issuance and renewal of such plates to the Nebraska Veteran CemeterySystem Operation Fund.(b) Each application for initial issuance of personalized message GoldStar Family plates shall be accompanied by a fee of forty dollars. An applicationfor renewal of such plates shall be accompanied by a fee of forty dollars.County treasurers or designated county officials collecting fees for renewalspursuant to this subdivision shall remit them to the State Treasurer. TheState Treasurer shall credit twenty-fivepercent of the fee for initial issuance and renewal of such platesto the Department of Motor Vehicles Cash Fund and seventy-fivepercent of the fee to the Nebraska Veteran Cemetery System OperationFund.(3) When the department receives an application for Gold Star Familyplates, the department shall deliver the plates to the county treasurer ordesignated county official of the county in which the motor vehicle or cabintrailer is registered. The county treasurer or designated county officialshall issue Gold Star Family plates in lieu of regular license plates whenthe applicant complies with the other provisions of the Motor Vehicle RegistrationAct for registration of the motor vehicle or cabin trailer. If Gold Star Familyplates are lost, stolen, or mutilated, the licensee shall be issued replacementlicense plates upon request and without charge.(4) The owner of a motor vehicle or cabin trailer bearing Gold StarFamily plates may apply to the county treasurer or designated county officialto have such plates transferred to a motor vehicle other than the vehiclefor which such plates were originally purchased if such vehicle is owned bythe owner of the plates. The owner may have the unused portion of the feefor the plates credited to the other vehicle which will bear the plates atthe rate of eight and one-third percent per month for each full month leftin the registration period. Application for such transfer shall be accompaniedby a fee of three dollars. Fees collected pursuant to this subsection shallbe remitted to the State Treasurer for credit to the Department of Motor VehiclesCash Fund.(5) If the cost of manufacturing Gold Star Family plates at any timeexceeds the amount charged for license plates pursuant to section 60-3,102,any money to be credited to the Nebraska Veteran Cemetery System OperationFund shall instead be credited first to the Highway Trust Fund in an amountequal to the difference between the manufacturing costs of Gold Star Familyplates and the amount charged pursuant to section 60-3,102 with respect tosuch plates and the remainder shall be credited to the Nebraska Veteran CemeterySystem Operation Fund. SourceLaws 2007, LB570, § 3; Laws 2009, LB110, § 7; Laws 2009, LB331, § 2.
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