68-1017 Assistance; violations; penalties.
68-1017. Assistance;violations; penalties.(1) Any person, including vendors and providersof medical assistance and social services, who, by means of a willfully falsestatement or representation, or by impersonation or other device, obtainsor attempts to obtain, or aids or abets any person to obtain or to attemptto obtain (a) an assistance certificateof award to which he or she is not entitled, (b) anycommodity, any foodstuff, any food instrument, any SupplementalNutrition Assistance Program benefit orelectronic benefit card, or any payment to which such individual is not entitledor a larger payment than that to which he or she is entitled, (c) anypayment made on behalf of a recipient of medical assistance or social services,or (d) any other benefit administeredby the Department of Health and Human Services, or who violates any statutoryprovision relating to assistance to the aged, blind, or disabled, aid to dependentchildren, social services, or medical assistance, commits an offense.(2) Any person who commits an offenseunder subsection (1) of this section shall upon conviction bepunished as follows: (a) If the aggregate value of all funds or other benefitsobtained or attempted to be obtained is less than five hundred dollars, theperson so convicted shall be guilty of a Class III misdemeanor; or (b) ifthe aggregate value of all funds and other benefits obtained or attemptedto be obtained is five hundred dollars or more, the person so convicted shallbe guilty of a Class IV felony. SourceLaws 1965, c. 394, § 5, p. 1262; Laws 1969, c. 541, § 1, p. 2192; Laws 1977, LB 39, § 127; Laws 1984, LB 1127, § 2; Laws 1996, LB 1044, § 314; Laws 1998, LB 1073, § 58; Laws 2007, LB296, § 271; Laws 2009, LB288, § 26; Laws 2010, LB849, § 14.Operative Date: July 15, 2010