68-620 Cities and villages; special levy; addition to levy limitations; contribution to state agency.
68-620. Cities and villages; special levy;addition to levy limitations; contribution to state agency.Notwithstandingany tax levy limitations contained in any other law or city home rule charter,when any city or village of this state elects to accept the provisions ofsections 68-601 to 68-631 relatingto old age and survivors insurance and enters into a written agreement withthe state agency as provided in such sections, the city or village shall levya tax, in addition to all other taxes, in order to defray the cost of suchcity or village in meeting the obligations arising by reason of such writtenagreement, and the revenue raised by such special levy shall be used for noother purpose. SourceLaws 1951, c. 296, § 1, p. 976; Laws 1955, c. 264, § 14, p. 821; Laws 1971, LB 667, § 1; Laws 1979, LB 187, § 181; Laws 1990, LB 820, § 10; Laws 2000, LB 1216, § 17; Laws 2010, LB684, § 8.Effective Date: July 15, 2010