71-2445 Terms, defined.
71-2445. Terms, defined.For purposes of the Automated Medication Systems Act:(1) Automated medication distribution machine means a type of automated medication system that stores medication to be administered to a patient by a person credentialed under the Uniform Credentialing Act;(2) Automated medication system means a mechanical system that performs operations or activities, other than compounding, administration, or other technologies, relative to storage and packaging for dispensing or distribution of medications and that collects, controls, and maintains all transaction information and includes, but is not limited to, a prescription medication distribution machine or an automated medication distribution machine. An automated medication system may only be used in conjunction with the provision of pharmacist care;(3) Chart order means an order for a drug or device issued by a practitioner for a patient who is in the hospital where the chart is stored or for a patient receiving detoxification treatment or maintenance treatment pursuant to section 28-412. Chart order does not include a prescription;(4) Hospital has the definition found in section 71-419;(5) Long-term care facility means an intermediate care facility, an intermediate care facility for the mentally retarded, a long-term care hospital, a mental health center, a nursing facility, or a skilled nursing facility, as such terms are defined in the Health Care Facility Licensure Act;(6) Medical order means a prescription, a chart order, or an order for pharmaceutical care issued by a practitioner;(7) Pharmacist means any person who is licensed by the State of Nebraska to practice pharmacy;(8) Pharmacist care means the provision by a pharmacist of medication therapy management, with or without the dispensing of drugs or devices, intended to achieve outcomes related to the cure or prevention of a disease, elimination or reduction of a patient's symptoms, or arresting or slowing of a disease process;(9) Pharmacist remote order entry means entering an order into a computer system or drug utilization review by a pharmacist licensed to practice pharmacy in the State of Nebraska and located within the United States, pursuant to medical orders in a hospital, long-term care facility, or pharmacy licensed under the Health Care Facility Licensure Act;(10) Practice of pharmacy means (a) the interpretation, evaluation, and implementation of a medical order, (b) the dispensing of drugs and devices, (c) drug product selection, (d) the administration of drugs or devices, (e) drug utilization review, (f) patient counseling, (g) the provision of pharmaceutical care, and (h) the responsibility for compounding and labeling of dispensed or repackaged drugs and devices, proper and safe storage of drugs and devices, and maintenance of proper records. The active practice of pharmacy means the performance of the functions set out in this subdivision by a pharmacist as his or her principal or ordinary occupation;(11) Practitioner means a certified registered nurse anesthetist, a certified nurse midwife, a dentist, an optometrist, a nurse practitioner, a physician assistant, a physician, a podiatrist, or a veterinarian;(12) Prescription means an order for a drug or device issued by a practitioner for a specific patient, for emergency use, or for use in immunizations. Prescription does not include a chart order;(13) Prescription medication distribution machine means a type of automated medication system that packages, labels, or counts medication in preparation for dispensing of medications by a pharmacist pursuant to a prescription; and(14) Telepharmacy means the provision of pharmacist care, by a pharmacist located within the United States, using telecommunications, remote order entry, or other automations and technologies to deliver care to patients or their agents who are located at sites other than where the pharmacist is located. SourceLaws 2008, LB308, § 2; Laws 2009, LB195, § 75.Effective Date: August 30, 2009 Cross ReferencesHealth Care Facility Licensure Act, see section 71-401.Uniform Credentialing Act, see section 38-101.