71-4610 Commission; inspections and investigations; purpose; notice of noncompliance.
71-4610. Commission; inspections and investigations; purpose; notice of noncompliance.(1) The commission may conduct inspections and investigations as may be necessary to enforce the standards adopted under the Uniform Standard Code for Manufactured Homes and Recreational Vehicles or to carry out its duties pursuant to the code. The commission shall furnish the appropriate state and county officials any information obtained indicating noncompliance with such standards for appropriate action.(2) For purposes of enforcement of the code and the rules, regulations, and standards adopted and promulgated by the commission pursuant to the code, persons duly designated by the commission, upon presenting appropriate credentials to the owner, operator, or agent in charge, may:(a) Enter, at reasonable times and without advance notice, any factory, warehouse, or other establishment or place in which manufactured homes or recreational vehicles are manufactured, stored, offered for sale, or held for lease or sale; and(b) Inspect, at reasonable times and within reasonable limits and in a reasonable manner, any such factory, warehouse, or other establishment or place and inspect such books, papers, records, and documents as are set forth in section 71-4611. Each such inspection shall be commenced and completed with reasonable promptness. SourceLaws 1975, LB 300, § 9; Laws 1985, LB 313, § 14; Laws 1993, LB 536, § 92; Laws 1998, LB 1073, § 134.