76-2228.01 Trainee real property appraiser; applicant; qualifications; upgraded credential; requirements.
76-2228.01. Traineereal property appraiser; applicant; qualifications; upgraded credential; requirements.(1) To qualifyfor a credential as a trainee real property appraiser, an applicant shall:(a) Be at least nineteen years of age;(b) Hold a high school diploma or a certificate of high schoolequivalency or have education acceptable to the board;(c) Have successfully completed no fewer than seventy-fiveclass hours in board-approved courses of study which relate to appraisal andwhich include completion of the fifteen-hour National Uniform Standards ofProfessional Appraisal Practice Course as approved by the Appraiser QualificationsBoard as of January 1, 2010,or the equivalent of the course as approved by the Real Property AppraiserBoard. The fifteen-hour course shall be taught by a Uniform Standardsof Professional Appraisal Practice Instructor who is certified by the AppraiserQualifications Board and who is a state-certified appraiser in good standing.The courses of study shall be conducted by an accredited, degree-awarding university, college, or community college, an appraisalsociety, institute, or association, a state or federal agency or commission,a proprietary school, or such other educational provider as may be approvedby the Real Property Appraiser Board andshall be, at a minimum, fifteen class hours in length. Each course shall includean examination pertinent to the material presented. The applicant shall havecompleted the class hours within the five-year period immediately precedingsubmission of the application and shall have completed the fifteen-hour NationalUniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice Course within the two-yearperiod immediately preceding submission of the application;(d) Be subject to direct supervision by a supervising appraiseror appraisers who are certified residential real property appraisers or certifiedgeneral real property appraisers in good standing. The supervising appraisershall be responsible for the training and direct supervision of the traineeby accepting responsibility for the appraisal report by signing and certifyingthe report is in compliance with the Uniform Standards of Professional AppraisalPractice, reviewing the trainee appraisal reports, and personally inspectingeach appraised property with the trainee asis consistent with his or her scope of practice until the supervisingappraiser determines the trainee is competent in accordance with the competencyrule of the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice. The traineeshall maintain an appraisal log for each supervising appraiser in accordancewith standards set by rule and regulation of the board; and(e) Not have been convicted of any felony or, if so convicted,have had his or her civil rights restored.(2) To qualifyfor an upgraded credential, a trainee real property appraiser shall satisfyat least one of the appropriate requirements as follows:(a) For acredential as a licensed residential real property appraiser, he or she shall(i) complete seventy-five additional hours of designated core curriculum educationand (ii) meet the experience requirements pursuant to subdivision (1)(d) ofsection 76-2230;(b) For a credential as a certified residential real property appraiser,he or she shall (i) complete one hundred twenty-five additional hours of designatedcore curriculum education, (ii) meet the experience requirements pursuantto subdivision (1)(d) of section 76-2231.01, and (iii) meet the postsecondaryeducational requirements pursuant to subdivision (1)(b)(i) or (ii) of section 76-2231.01; or(c) For a credential as a certified general real property appraiser,he or she shall (i) complete two hundred twenty-five additional hours of designatedcore curriculum education, (ii) meet the experience requirements pursuantto subdivision (1)(d) of section 76-2232, and (iii) meet the postsecondaryeducational requirements pursuant to subdivision (1)(b)(i) or (ii) of section 76-2232.(3) If a trainee real propertyappraiser remains in the classification in excess of two years, the traineeshall be required in the third and successive years to successfully completeno fewer than fourteen hours of instruction in courses or seminars for eachyear of the period preceding the renewal and shall have completed the seven-hourNational Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice Update Course, as the course existed on January 1, 2010,or the equivalent of the course as approved by the Real Property AppraiserBoard, at a minimum of every two years. The courses of study shallbe conducted by an accredited,degree-awarding university, college, or community college, an appraisal society, institute,or association, a state or federal agency or commission, a proprietary school,or such other educational provider as may be approved by the board. Creditmay be granted for educational offerings and for participation other thanas a student as approved by the board.(4) The application for acredential as a trainee real property appraiser shall include the applicant'ssocial security number and such other information as the board may require. SourceLaws 2006, LB 778, § 49; Laws 2007, LB186, § 12; Laws 2010, LB931, § 10.Effective Date: April 15, 2010