79-424 Petition or plan for affiliation; procedures applicable.
79-424. Petition or plan for affiliation; procedures applicable.A Class I school district or portion thereof which comes within the provisions of section 79-431 may file a petition for affiliation pursuant to section 79-413, 79-415, or 79-416 or a plan for affiliation pursuant to the Reorganization of School Districts Act with the State Committee for the Reorganization of School Districts to affiliate with one or more Class II, III, IV, or V districts, or to affiliate in part with one or more Class II, III, IV, or V districts and in part to become part of one or more Class VI districts. Affiliation shall be accomplished pursuant to any of the procedures prescribed in the act and sections 79-413 to 79-419. SourceLaws 1990, LB 259, § 4; Laws 1991, LB 511, § 14; Laws 1992, LB 245, § 19; R.S.1943, (1994), § 79-402.13; Laws 1996, LB 900, § 173; Laws 1997, LB 347, § 8; Laws 1999, LB 272, § 36; Laws 2005, LB 126, § 57; Referendum 2006, No. 422. Cross ReferencesReorganization of School Districts Act, see section 79-432.