83-1209 Director; duties.
83-1209. Director; duties.To carry out the policies and purposes of the DevelopmentalDisabilities Services Act, the director shall:(1) Ensure effective management by (a) determining whetherapplicants are eligible for specialized services, (b) authorizing servicedelivery for eligible persons, (c) ensuring that services are available, accessible,and coordinated, (d) ensuring that eligible persons have their needs assessedby a team process, have individual program plans developed by a team processto address assessed needs, which plans incorporate the input of the individualand the family, and have services delivered in accordance with the programplan, (e) having the amount of funding for specialized services determinedby an objective assessment process, (f) providing information and referral services to personswith developmental disabilities and their families, (g) promoting the developmentof pilot projects of high quality, cost-efficient services provided by specializedprograms, and (h) administering the Beatrice State Developmental Center;(2) Ensure a coordinated statewide response by (a) developinga comprehensive and integrated statewide plan for specialized services topersons with developmental disabilities in conjunction with state and localofficials, designated advocates for such persons, service providers, and thegeneral public, (b) reporting biennially to the Legislature, the Governor,service providers, and the public on persons served and progress made towardmeeting requirements of the plan, and (c) creating a statewide registry ofpersons eligible for specialized services;(3) Ensure specialized services which are efficient and individualizedby (a) developing a written policy which ensures the adequate and equitabledistribution of fiscal resources based upon a consistent rationale for reimbursementthat allows funding to follow service recipients as their service needs changeand which also includes a plan for funding shortfalls and (b) administeringall state and federal funds as may be allowed by law;(4) Ensure maximum quality of services by (a) developinga due process mechanism for resolution of disputes, (b) coordinating the developmentof review teams designed to enhance the quality of specialized services, (c)developing certification and accreditation requirements for service providers,(d) providing technical assistance to local service providers, and (e) providingeligible persons, their families, and the designated protection and advocacysystem authorized pursuant to the Developmental Disabilities Assistance andBill of Rights Act of 2000, 42 U.S.C. 15001 et seq., with copies of all reportsresulting from surveys of providers of specialized services conducted as partof the certification and accreditation process; and(5) Establish and staff a developmental disabilities divisionwhich shall assist in carrying out the policies and purposes of the DevelopmentalDisabilities Services Act. SourceLaws 1991, LB 830, § 9; Laws 2004, LB 297, § 2; Laws 2009, LB288, § 40.