90-273 Game and Parks Commission; convey property to city of Atkinson.
90-273. Game and Parks Commission; conveyproperty to city of Atkinson.TheGame and Parks Commission is authorized to convey to the city of Atkinsonfor public park purposes the following described real estate now known asAtkinson State Recreation Area, situated in the county of Holt, in the Stateof Nebraska, to-wit: A tract of land in Blocks 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59,and 60, all in Mathew's Addition to Atkinson, Holt County, Nebraska; and thesoutheast quarter of the southwest quarter of section 30, township 30 north,range 14 west of the 6th principal meridian, excepting therefrom a parceldescribed as follows: Commencing at the southwest corner of the southeastquarter of the southwest quarter, section 30, township 30 north, range 14west of the 6th principal meridian, thence running due north 42.42 rods; thencerunning due east 36.36 rods; thence running due south 24.24 rods; thence runningdue east 18.18 rods; thence running due south 18.18 rods; thence running duewest 54.54 rods to the place of beginning, containing 49.51 acres, more orless, Holt County, Nebraska; the southwest quarter of section 30, township30 north, range 14 west, Holt County, Nebraska; and that part of the southwestquarter of the southeast quarter of section 30, township 30 north, range 14west of the 6th principal meridian, Holt County, Nebraska, described as follows:Commencing at the northwest corner of the southwest quarter of the southeastquarter of said section 30, thence running on a line south 57 degrees, 35minutes, east a distance of 347.56 feet, thence due south a distance of 433.75feet, thence due west a distance of 293.38 feet, thence due north a distanceof 620.1 feet to the point of beginning containing 3.55 acres, more or less,except that if the city of Atkinson ceases to operate the lands conveyed asa public park and recreation area, title to such lands shall revert to theGame and Parks Commission. SourceLaws 2010, LB743, ยง 2.Effective Date: March 4, 2010