1. There is hereby created a District Court Commission on Law Libraries. The Commission shall:
(a) Make recommendations to and otherwise advise generally the boards of law library trustees established pursuant to chapter 380 of NRS concerning policies and procedures related to improving access by the public to the law and legal publications;
(b) Coordinate the development of materials to aid persons who choose to represent themselves in litigation and other legal matters rather than retaining an attorney; and
(c) In a county in which the board of county commissioners governs and manages a law library, make recommendations to and otherwise advise the board of county commissioners concerning any issues that arise as the board manages the law library, carries out its duties set forth in chapter 380 of NRS or exercises any power granted to a board of law library trustees pursuant to chapter 380 of NRS and concerning policies and procedures related to improving access by the public to the law and legal publications.
2. The District Court Commission on Law Libraries shall meet at least quarterly and shall prepare and submit an annual report to the Office of the Court Administrator.
3. On January 5, 2009, the:
(a) Chief Judge of the Second Judicial District shall appoint two district judges from the Second Judicial District to serve terms on the District Court Commission on Law Libraries which begin on January 5, 2009, and end on January 3, 2011; and
(b) Chief Judge of the Eighth Judicial District shall appoint six district judges from the Eighth Judicial District to serve terms on the District Court Commission on Law Libraries which begin on January 5, 2009, and end on January 3, 2011.
Ê If a district judge appointed pursuant to this subsection to serve on the District Court Commission on Law Libraries ceases to be a district judge, his or her term as a member of the Commission expires on the date that he or she ceases to be a district judge. Such a vacancy on the Commission may only be filled by the person appointed to fill the vacancy on the district court and only for the remainder of the term for which he or she is appointed and actually serves.
4. On or after January 5, 2009, the Chief Judge of any other judicial district may appoint one district judge to serve on the District Court Commission on Law Libraries.
5. Each member of the District Court Commission on Law Libraries who was appointed pursuant to subsection 3 is entitled to receive a salary of $30,000 for each year that he or she serves on the Commission, payable in biweekly installments.
(Added to NRS by 2007, 1973)