1. A district judge who has served as a district judge or as a justice of the Supreme Court in any one or more courts for a period or periods aggregating 5 years or more and who becomes permanently incapacitated, physically or mentally, to perform the duties of office may retire from office regardless of age.
2. Any district judge who retires pursuant to the provisions of subsection 1 or who is retired because of advanced age or physical or mental disability pursuant to Section 21 of Article 6 of the Constitution of the State of Nevada is entitled to receive annually from the State of Nevada, a pension for the remainder of his or her life, the same pension the judge would receive under NRS 3.090 based on his or her years of service but without regard to his or her age.
3. Any judge, or a guardian of a judge on behalf of the judge if the judge is unable to act, who desires to retire voluntarily must give notice in writing to the Governor. The Governor shall appoint three physicians licensed to practice medicine in the State of Nevada to examine the judge and report the results to the Governor in writing. If a majority of the physicians is of the opinion that the judge is permanently incapacitated, physically or mentally, the Governor shall approve the retirement. The judge or a guardian of the judge must file with the Executive Officer of the Public Employees’ Retirement Board an affidavit setting forth the fact of the judge’s retirement and the years he or she has served in either or both of such courts.
4. Pensions payable pursuant to this section must be paid in the same manner as pensions payable under NRS 3.090. Fees and expenses of physicians appointed pursuant to this section must be paid from the Judicial Retirement Administrative Fund established pursuant to NRS 1A.200.
5. The faith of the State of Nevada is hereby pledged that this section will not be repealed or amended so as to affect adversely any judge who may have retired or been retired pursuant to its provisions.
(Added to NRS by 1985, 1881; A 1993, 1170; 2001 Special Session, 91)