1. The judge or judges of any district court may appoint, subject to the provisions of this chapter and other laws as to the qualifications and examinations of the appointee, one certified court reporter, to be known as official reporter of the court or department and to hold office during the pleasure of the judge appointing the official reporter. The appointee may be any business organization if the person representing it, who actually performs the reporting service, is a certified court reporter.
2. The official reporter, or any one of them if there are two or more, shall:
(a) At the request of either party or of the court in a civil action or proceeding, and on the order of the court, the district attorney or the attorney for the defendant in a criminal action or proceeding, make a record of all the testimony, the objections made, the rulings of the court, the exceptions taken, all arraignments, pleas and sentences of defendants in criminal cases, and all statements and remarks made by the district attorney or judge, and all oral instructions given by the judge; and
(b) If directed by the court or requested by either party, within such reasonable time after the trial of the case as may be designated by law or, in the absence of any law relating thereto, by the court, write out the record, or such specific portions thereof as may be requested, in plain and legible longhand, or by typewriter or other printing machine. The reporter shall certify to that copy as being correctly reported and transcribed and, when directed by the law or court, shall file it with the clerk of the court.
[1:52:1907; A 1921, 96; NCL § 8455]—(NRS A 1973, 1321; 1981, 245; 1993, 1410; 2007, 1035)