[40:9:1861; B § 268; BH § 2609; C § 2679; RL § 1054; NCL § 1512]
NRS 111.050 Chapter not to be construed to conflict with lawful mining rules, regulations and customs. This chapter shall not be so construed as to interfere or conflict with the lawful mining rules, regulations or customs in regard to the locating, holding or forfeiture of claims, but, in all cases of mortgages of mining interests under this chapter, the mortgagee shall have the right to perform the same acts that the mortgagor might have performed for the purpose of preventing a forfeiture of the same under the rules, regulations or customs of mines, and shall be allowed such compensation therefor as shall be deemed just and equitable by the court ordering the sale upon a foreclosure. Compensation shall, in no case, exceed the amount realized from the claim by a foreclosure and sale.
[77:9:1861; B § 305; BH § 2646; C § 2716; RL § 1091; NCL § 1548]