113.010 Successor in office may execute deeds. Where lands, or any estate or interest therein, have been or may hereafter be sold by a sheriff, constable or other authorized officer, for taxes or under an execution or order of sale, and the purchaser or his or her assigns may be entitled to a deed, and the sheriff or other officer who made the sale shall have died, or shall be absent from the state, or in any way disqualified, it shall be lawful for the successor of the sheriff, constable or other officer to make such deed to the purchaser, his or her assignee or assignees, in the same manner and with the same effect as if made by the officer making the sale.
[1:15:1862; B § 309; BH § 2660; C § 2732; RL § 1662; NCL § 2162]
NRS 113.020 Evidentiary effect of deed made by successor in office. Deeds, made as provided in NRS 113.010, shall have the same force and effect as evidence as if made by the officer making the sale.
[2:15:1862; B § 310; BH § 2661; C § 2733; RL § 1663; NCL § 2163]