1. If a minister or other person authorized to solemnize a marriage is no longer authorized to solemnize a marriage by the church or religious organization that authorized the minister or other person to solemnize marriages when he or she applied for a certificate of permission to perform marriages pursuant to NRS 122.064, the church or religious organization shall, within 5 days after the authorization is terminated, file an affidavit of revocation of authority to solemnize marriages with the county clerk of the county where the original affidavit of authority to solemnize marriages was filed.
2. The affidavit of revocation of authority to solemnize marriages must be in substantially the following form:
State of Nevada }
County of ............... }
The........................................ (name of church or religious organization) is organized and carries on its work in the State of Nevada. Its active meetings are located at........................................ (street address, city or town). The........................................ (name of church or religious organization) hereby revokes the authority of........................................ (name of minister or other person authorized to solemnize marriages), filed in the County of........................................, on the.......... day of the month of...................., of the year.........., to solemnize marriages.
I am duly authorized by........................................ (name of church or religious organization) to complete and submit this affidavit.
Signature of Official
Name of Official
(type or print name)
Title of Official
City, State and Zip Code
Telephone Number
Signed and sworn to (or affirmed) before me this.......... day of the month of.................... of the year...........
Notary Public for
.............................. County, Nevada.
My appointment expires..............................
(Added to NRS by 2009, 722)