1. After a marriage is solemnized, the person solemnizing the marriage shall give to each couple being married a certificate of marriage.
2. The certificate of marriage must contain the date of birth of each applicant as contained in the form of marriage license pursuant to NRS 122.050. If a male and female person who are the husband and wife of each other are being rejoined in marriage pursuant to subsection 2 of NRS 122.020, the certificate of marriage must state that the male and female person were rejoined in marriage and that the certificate is replacing a record of marriage which was lost or destroyed or is otherwise unobtainable. The certificate of marriage must be in substantially the following form:
State of Nevada
Marriage Certificate
State of Nevada }
County of............................................................ }
This is to certify that the undersigned, ................................ (a minister or other person authorized to solemnize a marriage, judge, justice of the peace of ................................ County, commissioner of civil marriages or deputy commissioner of civil marriages, as the case may be), did on the ................ day of the month of ………. of the year ..............., at ................ (address or church), ................ (city), Nevada, join or rejoin, as the case may be, in lawful wedlock ................ (name), of ................ (city), State of ................, date of birth ................, and ................ (name), of ................(city), State of ................, date of birth ................, with their mutual consent, in the presence of ................ and ................ (witnesses). (If a male and female person who are the husband and wife of each other are being rejoined in marriage pursuant to subsection 2 of NRS 122.020, this certificate replaces the record of the marriage of the male and female person who are being rejoined in marriage.)
Signature of person performing
(Seal of County Clerk) the marriage
Name under signature typewritten
or printed in black ink
County Clerk
Official title of person performing
the marriage
Couple’s mailing address
3. All information contained in the certificate of marriage must be typewritten or legibly printed in black ink, except the signatures. The signature of the person performing the marriage must be an original signature.
[7:33:1861; A 1867, 88; BH § 476; C § 487; RL § 2343; NCL § 4055]—(NRS A 1977, 470; 1987, 1421; 2001, 32; 2007, 1056; 2009, 731, 1506)