1. Except as otherwise provided in this section, a male and a female person, at least 18 years of age, not nearer of kin than second cousins or cousins of the half blood, and not having a husband or wife living, may be joined in marriage.
2. A male and a female person who are the husband and wife of each other may be rejoined in marriage if the record of their marriage has been lost or destroyed or is otherwise unobtainable.
3. A person at least 16 years of age but less than 18 years of age may marry only if the person has the consent of:
(a) Either parent; or
(b) Such person’s legal guardian.
[Part 2:33:1861; A 1867, 88; 1891, 15; 1947, 445; 1943 NCL § 4051]—(NRS A 1961, 357; 1973, 1578; 1975, 1817; 1977, 279; 1981, 678; 2009, 1503)