1. The proceedings must be entitled, “In the matter of the parental rights as to ................, a minor.”
2. A petition must be verified and may be upon information and belief. It must set forth plainly:
(a) The facts which bring the child within the purview of this chapter.
(b) The name, age and residence of the child.
(c) The names and residences of the parents of the child.
(d) The name and residence of the person or persons having physical custody or control of the child.
(e) The name and residence of the child’s legal guardian, if there is one.
(f) The name and residence of the child’s nearest known relative residing within the State, if no parent or guardian can be found.
(g) Whether the child is known to be an Indian child.
3. If any of the facts required by subsection 2 are not known by the petitioner, the petition must so state.
4. If the petitioner is a mother filing with respect to her unborn child, the petition must so state and must contain the name and residence of the father or putative father, if known.
5. If the petitioner or the child is receiving public assistance, the petition must so state.
[5:161:1953]—(NRS A 1975, 966; 1981, 1754; 1995, 783, 2420)