1. If the whole property exempt by law is set apart and is not sufficient for the support of the surviving spouse, minor child or minor children, the court may, if deemed advisable considering the needs and resources of the surviving spouse, minor child or minor children, make such reasonable allowance out of the estate as is necessary for the maintenance of the family according to their circumstances during the progress of the administration of the estate, which, in case of an insolvent estate, may not be longer than 1 year after granting letters of administration.
2. If the surviving spouse or any minor child has a reasonable maintenance derived from other property, and there are other persons entitled to a family allowance, the allowance must be granted only to those who do not have such maintenance, or the allowance may be apportioned in such manner as may be just.
[113:107:1941; 1931 NCL § 9882.113] + [118:107:1941; 1931 NCL § 9882.118]—(NRS A 1979, 144; 1999, 2304; 2009, 1628)