1. Except as otherwise provided in subsection 3 and NRS 148.080, 148.170 and 148.180 and in summary administration under chapter 145 of NRS, a personal representative may sell personal property of the estate only after notice is published in a newspaper published in the county where the proceedings are pending, if there is such a newspaper, and if not, then in one having general circulation in the county, for 2 weeks, consisting of three publications 1 week apart, before the day of the sale or, in the case of a private sale, before the day on or after which the sale is to be made. For good cause shown, the court may decrease the number of publications to one and shorten the time for publication to a period not less than 8 days. The notice shall include a brief description of the property to be sold, a place where bids or offers will be received, and a day on or after which the sale will be made.
2. Public sales may be made at the courthouse door, at some other public place, at the residence of the decedent or at a place designated by the personal representative, but no sale may be made of any personal property which is not available for inspection at the time of sale, unless the court otherwise orders.
3. If the personal representative is the sole devisee or heir of the estate, or if all devisees or heirs of the estate consent in writing, the court may waive the requirement of publication.
[153:107:1941; 1931 NCL § 9882.153]—(NRS A 1975, 1774; 1999, 2318; 2003, 2514)