1. If the Attorney General is informed, or has reason to believe, that any real or personal property has become escheatable to this State for the reasons specified in NRS 154.010, or that any such property has, for any other reason, become escheatable, the Attorney General shall file an information on behalf of the State in the district court of the county where the property, or any part thereof, is located.
2. The information must set forth:
(a) A description of the property.
(b) The name of the person last lawfully seised.
(c) The name of the persons holding, possessing or claiming the property, if known.
(d) The facts and circumstances giving rise to the claim for escheatment.
3. The information must allege that the State of Nevada has by law the right to the property.
[Part 312:107:1941; A 1951, 19]—(NRS A 1999, 2354)