[10:135:1941; 1931 NCL § 7718.09]—(NRS A 1999, 2384)
NRS 165.120 Approval or disapproval by court; reopening. The approval by the court of a testamentary trustee’s account after due notice and service of papers or representation as provided in this chapter, subject to the right of appeal, relieves the trustee and the sureties of the trustee from liability to all beneficiaries then known or in being, or who thereafter become known or in being, for all the trustee’s acts and omissions which are fully and accurately described in the account, including the then investment of the trust funds. The court may disapprove the account and surcharge the trustee for any loss caused by a breach of trust committed by him or her. The account may be reopened by the court on petition of the trustee or a beneficiary, for amendment or revision, if it later appears that the account is incorrect, either because of fraud or mistake. Court approvals or disapprovals of intermediate or final accounts shall be deemed final judgments insofar as the right of appeal is concerned. No account may be reopened because of a mistake more than 1 year after its approval. No beneficiary may move for the reopening of any account because of fraud more than 90 days after the beneficiary discovers the existence of the fraud.
[11:135:1941; 1931 NCL § 7718.10]—(NRS A 1999, 2384)