1. As used in this chapter:
(a) “Affiliate” means any person directly or indirectly controlling or controlled by another person, or any person under direct or indirect common control by another person. It includes any person with whom a trustee has an express or implied agreement regarding the purchase of trust investments by each from the other, directly or indirectly.
(b) “Beneficiary” includes a beneficiary under the trust, a person who is entitled to the trust capital at the termination of the trust and a surety on the bond of the trustee.
(c) “Nontestamentary trustee” means a trustee serving under a trust created in this state otherwise than by a will, or such a trust administered in this state, whether the trustee was appointed by the settlor or by a court or other authority.
(d) “Relative” means a spouse, ancestor, descendant, brother or sister.
(e) “Settlor” includes the creator of a testamentary as well as a nontestamentary trust.
(f) “Testamentary trustee” means a trustee serving under a trust created by a will of a testator domiciled in this state at the time of the testator’s death, whose will has been admitted to probate in this state, whether the trustee was appointed by the testator or by a court or other authority.
(g) “Trustee” includes trustees, a corporate as well as a natural person, a successor or substitute trustee, and the successor in interest of a deceased sole trustee.
2. This chapter does not apply to resulting trusts, constructive trusts, business trusts where certificates of beneficial interest are issued to the beneficiaries, investment trusts, voting trusts, insurance trusts prior to the death of the insured, trusts in the nature of mortgages or pledges, trusts created by judgment or decree of a federal court or a state court other than the district court acting in probate matters, liquidation trusts, or trust for the sole purpose of paying dividends, interest or interest coupons, salaries, wages or pensions.
[1:135:1941; 1931 NCL § 7718]—(NRS A 1999, 2380)