1. A person who commits in the State any crime, in whole or in part.
2. A person who commits out of the State any act which, if committed within it, would be larceny, and is afterward found in the State with any of the stolen property.
3. A person who, being out of the State, counsels, causes, procures, aids or abets another to commit a crime in this State.
4. A person who, being out of the State, abducts or kidnaps, by force or fraud, any person, contrary to the laws of the place where the act is committed, and brings, sends or conveys such person into this State.
5. A person who commits an act without the State which affects persons or property within the State, or the public health, morals or decency of the State, which, if committed within the State, would be a crime.
[1911 C&P § 2; RL § 6267; NCL § 9951]
NRS 194.040 Jurisdiction of State over public offenses committed by or against Indians in areas of Indian country. In accordance with the provisions of NRS 41.430, jurisdiction over public offenses committed by or against Indians in the areas of Indian country in Nevada is assumed by the State of Nevada.
[Part 1:198:1955] + [Part 2:198:1955] + [Part 3:198:1955]