1. Who is found begging, receiving or gathering alms, or who is found in any street, road or public place for the purpose of so doing, whether actually begging or doing so under the pretext of selling or offering for sale any article, or of singing or playing on any musical instrument, or of giving any public entertainment or accompanying or being used in aid of any person so doing.
2. Who has no parent or guardian, who has no parent or guardian willing to exercise or capable of exercising proper parental control, or who has no parent or guardian actually exercising such proper parental control, and who is in need of such control.
3. Who is destitute, or who is not provided with the necessities of life by his or her parents, and who has no other means of obtaining such necessities.
4. Whose home is an unfit place for the child, by reason of neglect, cruelty or depravity of either of his or her parents, or of his or her guardians or other person in whose custody or care the child is.
5. Who is found living in any house of ill fame, or with any disreputable person.
6. Who is found wandering and either has no home, no settled place of abode, no visible means of subsistence or no proper guardianship.
7. Who frequents the company of criminals, vagrants or prostitutes, or persons so reputed, or who is in any house of prostitution or assignation.
8. Who unlawfully visits a saloon where any spirituous, vinous or malt liquors are sold, bartered, exchanged or given away.
9. Who habitually uses intoxicating liquors or who uses opium, cocaine, morphine, or other similar drug without the direction of a competent physician.
10. Who persistently or habitually refuses to obey the reasonable and proper orders or directions of his or her parents, guardian or custodian, or who is beyond the control of such person.
11. Who is a habitual truant from school.
12. Who is leading, or from any cause is in danger of leading, an idle, dissolute, lewd or immoral life.
13. Who writes or uses vile, obscene, profane or indecent language, or is guilty of indecent, immoral or lascivious conduct.
14. Who violates any law of this State or any ordinance of any town, city or county of this State defining crime.
Ê Any child who is a runaway, unmanageable or a habitual truant is a child in need of supervision as that term is used in title 5 of NRS, and is not a delinquent child.
[Part 1:165:1909; A 1911, 382; 1921, 21; 1955, 152]—(NRS A 1973, 1350; 2003, 1125)