1. Every person who:
(a) Shall deposit, leave or keep, on or near a highway or route of public travel, on land or water, any unwholesome substance;
(b) Shall establish, maintain or carry on, upon or near a highway or route of public travel, on land or water, any business, trade or manufacture which is detrimental to the public health;
(c) Shall deposit or cast into any lake, creek or river, wholly or partly in this State, the offal from or the dead body of any animal; or
(d) Shall knowingly burn stolen metallic wire to remove insulation,
Ê shall be guilty of a gross misdemeanor.
2. As used in this section, “stolen metallic wire” means metallic wire that has been taken unlawfully from or without the permission of the owner, whether or not the person who took the metallic wire is or has been prosecuted or convicted for taking the metallic wire.
[1911 C&P § 281; RL § 6546; NCL § 10229]—(NRS A 1999, 279)