1. “Shell,” “cartridge” or “bomb” includes all shells, cartridges or bombs capable of being discharged or exploded, when such discharge or explosions will cause or permit the release or emission of tear gas.
2. “Tear gas” includes all liquid, gaseous or solid substances intended to produce temporary physical discomfort or permanent injury through being vaporized or otherwise dispersed in the air. The term does not include a liquid, gaseous or solid substance whose active ingredient is composed of natural substances or products derived from natural substances which cause no permanent injury through being vaporized or otherwise dispersed in the air.
3. “Weapon designed for the use of such shell, cartridge or bomb” includes all revolvers, pistols, fountain pen guns, billies, riot guns or other form of device, portable or fixed, intended for the projection or release of tear gas except those regularly manufactured and sold for use with firearm ammunition.
[2:273:1955]—(NRS A 1977, 887; 1981, 2051)