205.450 Personating another. Every person who shall falsely represent or personate another, and, in such assumed character, shall marry another, become bail or surety for any party, in any proceeding, civil or criminal, before any court or officer authorized to take such bail or surety, or confess any judgment, or acknowledge the execution of any conveyance of real property, or of any other instrument which, by law, may be recorded, or do any other act in the course of any suit, proceeding or prosecution, whereby the person so represented or personated may be made liable, in any event, to the payment of any debt, damages, cost or sum of money, or his or her right or interest may, in any manner be affected, is guilty of a category C felony and shall be punished as provided in NRS 193.130.
[1911 C&P § 470; RL § 6735; NCL § 10419]—(NRS A 1967, 506; 1999, 1344)