1. It is unlawful for a person knowingly and with the intent to avoid payment in full for the service obtained to:
(a) Obtain or attempt to obtain an information service from a provider by deception, use of an illegal device or other fraudulent means. The requisite intent may be inferred from the presence on the property or in the possession of the person of a device, not authorized by the provider, the major purpose of which is to permit or facilitate use of an information service without payment. The inference is rebutted if the person shows that he or she purchased the device for a legitimate purpose.
(b) Give to another person technical assistance or instruction in obtaining an information service without full payment to a provider.
(c) Maintain an ability to connect, by physical, electronic or other means, with facilities, components or devices used in an information service for the purpose of obtaining the information service without payment of all lawful compensation to the provider.
(d) Make or maintain a modification of a device installed with the authorization of a provider to obtain any service that the person is not authorized by the provider to obtain. The requisite intent may be inferred from proof that the standard procedure of the provider is to place labels on its devices warning that modifying the device is a violation of law and that the device has been modified without the permission of the provider.
(e) Possess, manufacture, deliver, offer to deliver or advertise, without permission from the provider, a device or a kit for a device designed to:
(1) Receive from the provider a service offered for sale by the provider, whether or not the service is encoded or otherwise made unintelligible; or
(2) Perform or facilitate an act prohibited by paragraphs (a) to (d), inclusive.
Ê Intent to violate this paragraph for commercial advantage or financial gain may be inferred if the circumstances, including, without limitation, quantity or volume, indicate possession for resale.
(f) Manufacture, import, distribute, advertise, sell, lease, or offer to sell or lease a device or a plan or kit for a device designed to receive an information service offered for sale by a provider, whether or not the service is encoded or otherwise made unintelligible, without full payment. The requisite intent may be inferred from proof that the person has sold, leased or offered to sell or lease any such device, plan or kit and stated or implied to the buyer or lessee that it will enable the buyer or lessee to obtain an information service without charge.
(g) Possess any other materials for the purpose of creating a device or a kit for a device designed to obtain an information service in any manner prohibited pursuant to this section.
2. This section does not prohibit or restrict a holder of an amateur service license issued by the Federal Communications Commission from possessing or using a radio receiver or transceiver that is intended primarily for use in the amateur radio service and is used for lawful purposes.
3. A person who violates any provision of this section is guilty of a category D felony and shall be punished as provided in NRS 193.130.
(Added to NRS by 1993, 871; A 1997, 491; 1999, 2710)