1. Without the consent of the owner, agent or occupant of the premises or property herein mentioned, deface, disfigure or cover up any fruit tree or ornamental tree, fence, wall, house, shop or building, the property of another, by pasting upon, or in any way fastening thereto, any printed bill, signboard, show poster or other device whatsoever;
2. Without a written permit from the board of county commissioners in the county wherein such written permit may be issued, deface, disfigure or cover up by pasting upon, or in any way fastening thereto, any printed bill, signboard, show poster or other device whatsoever upon any public building, monument, gravestone, ornamental tree or other object or property under the supervision and control of the board of county commissioners of the respective counties in this state, or under the supervision and control of any municipal government, or of any association or society whatsoever; or
3. Place upon or affix to any real property, or any rock, tree, wall, fence or other structure thereupon, without the consent of the owner thereof, any word, character or device designed to advertise any article, business, profession, exhibition, matter or event,
Ê shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.
[Part 1911 C&P § 489; RL § 6754; NCL § 10436]—(NRS A 1967, 514)