1. If for any sufficient cause, any sheriff thinks it expedient that any prisoner be removed from the jail in his or her county, upon consent of the sheriff or the sheriff’s duly authorized representative of any other county within the State, the sheriff of such other county may permit such prisoner to be removed to the jail in his or her county, to be detained there in the same manner and by the same process as in the jail from where such prisoner was removed, until remanded back by a similar process or discharged according to law.
2. All expenses of removing and maintaining prisoners incurred under subsection 1 shall be defrayed by the county from which they were so removed.
[10:21:1861; B § 3808; BH § 2146; C § 2268; RL § 7612; NCL § 11529] + [11:21:1861; B § 3809; BH § 2147; C § 2269; RL § 7613; NCL § 11530]—(NRS A 1973, 734)