1. Supervise a probationer, who as a condition of a suspended sentence or a sentence to residential confinement, is released under the supervision of the department by the court.
2. At the time a probationer is released under the supervision of the department:
(a) Provide the probationer with a written statement describing the terms or conditions of the suspended sentence or residential confinement imposed by the court; and
(b) Explain the terms or conditions to the probationer.
3. Be knowledgeable about the conduct and activities of each probationer under the supervision of the department.
4. Use all reasonable methods to assist a probationer under the supervision of the department to improve his or her conduct and comply with the terms or conditions of his or her suspended sentence or residential confinement.
5. Collect and disburse any money in accordance with the orders of the court and make a written record of any money so collected or disbursed.
6. Cooperate with and assist any agency of law enforcement and any agency providing social services as requested by the court, or as necessary to fulfill the duties of the department.
(Added to NRS by 1995, 872)