1. Money for payment of compensation as ordered by the Board and for payment of salaries and other expenses incurred by the Department of Administration pursuant to NRS 217.010 to 217.270, inclusive, must be paid from the Fund for the Compensation of Victims of Crime, which is hereby created. Money in the Fund must be disbursed on the order of the Board in the same manner as other claims against the State are paid. The Board shall estimate quarterly:
(a) The revenue in the Fund which is available for the payment of compensation; and
(b) The anticipated expenses for the next quarter.
Ê If the estimated expenses for the quarter exceed the available revenue, all claims paid in that quarter must be reduced in the same proportion as the expenses exceeded the revenue.
2. Money deposited in the Fund which is recovered from a forfeiture of assets pursuant to NRS 200.760 and the interest and income earned on that money must be used for the counseling and medical treatment of victims of crimes committed in violation of NRS 200.366, 200.710, 200.720, 200.725, 200.730 or 201.230.
3. The interest and income earned on the money in the Fund for the Compensation of Victims of Crime, after deducting any applicable charges, must be credited to the Fund.
(Added to NRS by 1969, 1154; A 1977, 328; 1981, 1341, 1672; 1983, 819, 1136, 1959; 1985, 639, 2104, 2106; 1987, 2271; 1989, 246; 1991, 771; 1995, 954)
NRS 217.270 Unlawful acts; penalty. Any person who knowingly obtains or attempts to obtain, or aids or abets any person to obtain, by means of a willfully false statement or representation or other fraudulent device, assistance to which the person is not entitled, or assistance greater than that to which the person is entitled pursuant to NRS 217.010 to 217.260, inclusive, is guilty of a gross misdemeanor.
(Added to NRS by 1975, 1788; A 1981, 1672)