1. The Fiscal Analysis Division consists of the Senate Fiscal Analyst, the Assembly Fiscal Analyst and such additional staff as the performance of their duties may require.
2. The Fiscal Analysis Division shall:
(a) Thoroughly examine all agencies of the State with special regard to their activities and the duplication of efforts between them.
(b) Recommend to the Legislature any suggested changes looking toward economy and the elimination of inefficiency in government.
(c) Ascertain facts and make recommendations to the Legislature concerning the budget of the State and the estimates of the expenditure requirements of the agencies of the State.
(d) Make projections of future public revenues for the use of the Legislature.
(e) Analyze the history and probable future trend of the State’s financial position in order that a sound fiscal policy may be developed and maintained for the State of Nevada.
(f) Analyze appropriation bills, revenue bills, and bills having a fiscal impact upon the operation of the government of the State of Nevada or its political subdivisions.
(g) Advise the Legislature and the members and committees thereof regarding matters of a fiscal nature.
(h) Perform such other functions as may be assigned to the Fiscal Analysis Division by the Legislature, the Legislative Commission or the Director of the Legislative Counsel Bureau.
(Added to NRS by 1977, 339; A 1985, 850)—(Substituted in revision for NRS 218.686)