1. Upon the request of a Fiscal Analyst or his or her duly authorized representative, every elective state officer in the State of Nevada, every board or commission provided for by the laws of the State of Nevada, every head of each and every department in the State of Nevada, every officer of the Judicial Branch of the State Government, and every employee or agent thereof, acting by, for, or on account of any such office, board, commission or officer receiving, paying or otherwise controlling any public funds in the State of Nevada, in whole or in part, whether the funds are provided by the State of Nevada, received from the Federal Government of the United States or any branch, bureau, or agency thereof, or received from private or other sources, shall make available, provide or prepare all books, papers, information and records under their control necessary or convenient to the proper discharge of the duties of the Fiscal Analysis Division pursuant to chapters 218A to 218H, inclusive, of NRS.
2. Any such officer, board, commission, department or employee who receives a request pursuant to subsection 1 shall make available, provide or prepare any information requested by the Fiscal Analysis Division within the period specified in the request.
3. Notwithstanding the provisions of any other specific statute, the information requested by the Fiscal Analysis Division may include information considered confidential for other purposes.
[8:134:1953]—(NRS A 1963, 1030; 1977, 345; 1995, 2818; 1997, 2705)—(Substituted in revision for NRS 218.687)