1. There is hereby created the Legislative Counsel Bureau, which consists of a Legislative Commission, an Interim Finance Committee, a Director, an Audit Division, a Fiscal Analysis Division, a Legal Division, a Research Division and an Administrative Division.
2. The Legislative Auditor is chief of the Audit Division. The Legislative Counsel is chief of the Legal Division. The Research Director is chief of the Research Division. The Director shall designate from time to time one of the Fiscal Analysts to be responsible for the administration of the Fiscal Analysis Division.
3. The Legislative Commission shall appoint the Director. The Director shall appoint the Fiscal Analysts and the chiefs of the other divisions with the approval of the Legislative Commission, and may serve as the chief of any division.
4. The Director may, with the consent of the Legislative Commission, designate one of the other division chiefs or an employee of the Legislative Counsel Bureau as Deputy Director, who shall serve as Deputy Director without additional compensation.
[1:134:1953]—(NRS A 1963, 1014; 1967, 1371; 1969, 1014; 1973, 1352, 1659; 1975, 1395; 1977, 344; 1979, 67; 1981, 559; 1985, 398; 2005, 1234)—(Substituted in revision for NRS 218.620)