1. The Director of the Legislative Counsel Bureau, as executive head of the Legislative Counsel Bureau, shall direct and supervise all its administrative and technical activities. The Fiscal Analysts, Legislative Auditor, Research Director and Legislative Counsel shall perform the respective duties assigned to them by law under the administrative supervision of the Director.
2. The Director of the Legislative Counsel Bureau shall, consistent with the budget approved by the Legislative Commission and within the limits of legislative appropriations and other available funds, employ and fix the salaries of or contract for the services of such professional, technical, clerical and operational personnel and consultants as the execution of the Director’s duties and the operation of the Legislative Counsel Bureau may require.
3. All of the personnel of the Legislative Counsel Bureau are exempt from the provisions of chapter 284 of NRS. They are entitled to such leaves of absence as the Legislative Commission shall prescribe.
[6:134:1953]—(NRS A 1963, 485, 1016; 1965, 1456; 1971, 1546; 1973, 1352; 1977, 345, 753; 1985, 1132; 2003, 2092)—(Substituted in revision for NRS 218.683)