1. The Director may approve the purchase and sale of souvenirs of the Nevada Legislature and of the State of Nevada in the Legislative Building or any building maintained for the use of the Legislature or the Legislative Counsel Bureau. Such souvenirs may include, without limitation, souvenir wine. The Director shall fix reasonable fees for the items which must in the aggregate at least cover the cost to the Legislative Counsel Bureau of purchasing and selling the items.
2. The money received from the sale of souvenirs must be deposited in a revolving account in the Legislative Fund. The money in the revolving account must be used to purchase additional souvenirs for sale and pay any other expenses related to the sale of souvenirs deemed appropriate by the Director. The balance in the revolving account not exceeding $150,000 must not be reverted to the Legislative Fund at the end of the fiscal year.
(Added to NRS by 1995, 1106; A 1997, 3072; 2007, 898)—(Substituted in revision for NRS 218.6845)