1. The Legislative Auditor shall keep or cause to be kept a complete file of copies of all reports of audits, examinations, investigations and all other reports or releases issued by the Legislative Auditor.
2. All working papers from an audit are confidential and may be destroyed by the Legislative Auditor 5 years after the report is issued, except that the Legislative Auditor:
(a) Shall release such working papers when subpoenaed by a court or when required to do so pursuant to NRS 239.0115; or
(b) May make such working papers available for inspection by an authorized representative of any other governmental entity for a matter officially before the authorized representative or by any other person authorized by the Legislative Commission.
[16:205:1949; 1943 NCL § 7345.16]—(NRS A 1963, 1021; 1969, 497; 1973, 1664; 1977, 6; 1979, 291; 1985, 854; 2007, 2080)—(Substituted in revision for NRS 218.870)