1. The State Treasurer may use a facsimile signature in place of his or her handwritten signature if:
(a) The facsimile signature is:
(1) Produced by the most efficient device or other method of facsimile reproduction reasonably available; and
(2) Made and used only under the personal direction and supervision of the State Treasurer; and
(b) The device or other method of facsimile reproduction is kept securely locked at all times when not in use in such a manner as to prevent any misuse, fraudulent use or other improper use. If the device or other method of facsimile reproduction is of such a nature that:
(1) The facsimile image or impression is severable from the device or other method of facsimile reproduction, the facsimile image or impression must be kept in a separate secure place in the Office of the State Treasurer; and
(2) Any registered key, password or other securing device or procedure is severable from the device or other method of facsimile reproduction, the registered key, password or other securing device or procedure must be locked in a vault.
2. Except as otherwise required by specific statute and subject to the conditions of subsection 1 and the consent of each, the State Treasurer and the State Controller, or the State Treasurer and any other officer or employee of state government who is authorized to administer a bank account, may combine their facsimile signatures for use in a device or other method of facsimile reproduction. The facsimile image or impression of such combined signatures must be kept in the Office of the State Treasurer as provided in paragraph (b) of subsection 1.
[1:2:1943; 1943 NCL § 7562.01]—(NRS A 1961, 51; 1965, 34; 2001, 2901)